ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Final Days of 2017

Site Lap: Final Days of 2017

Friday, December 29, 2017 | 10:15 AM
Friday, December 29, 2017 | 10:15 AM

It’s a cold day in the ATV Racin’ Nation. I guess maybe I should start off with Happy New Year though. So I hope your Christmas Holiday was as wonderful as mine. I also want to wish you very Happy New Year. 2018 is almost here and as we close out the final days of 2017 the anticipation of what the future will bring is a very nice feeling. No looking back now, just moving forward, head first into what looks like a very interesting season that lies ahead.

We can't wait to ring in the New Year! See you all in 2018. 
We can't wait to ring in the New Year! See you all in 2018.  Ken Hill

Now that Christmas is over many are already moving on. I myself am still trying to get things back to somewhat normal and figure out what day it is. I was shocked to realize that it is Wednesday already and it seems like the last few days were a dream. At least till it all catches up like it will in my case. But like racing this time of year there has to be a little sacrifice. Plus I have had 14 candles I have just been waiting to burn. But in all seriousness the new season is just around the corner ready or not. 

I will admit that things in my world on the racing front have been a little on the non-existent side of things. I don’t get to follow social media like I have in the past as I am much busier this year in the offseason than most. I generally have time to keep up with things but like many of you I am working trying to get to another season let alone complete the season. Baby steps are all it takes so it’s just one foot in front of the other till Daytona. Keep moving we will get there! 

Kierstin Keane earned two National Championships in 2017, will she defend them in 2018?
Kierstin Keane earned two National Championships in 2017, will she defend them in 2018? Ken Hill

I apologize for the shortness of my contribution this week, but like I said things are really busy right now and it is tough to keep up with anything going on right now. So if you would like to help spread the word of your new programs, changes or even if things are staying the same, send a message to [email protected] or IM me on Facebook. It may be the only way I get much information till the season starts and I really would like to know what is going on in your world. So don’t be shy and let us know! 

That’s it for me for now. Let’s check in with Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “Ho Ho Ho” Hill. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.

In The Loop with Gloop:

Jeffrey Rastrelli has been getting some testing done.
Jeffrey Rastrelli has been getting some testing done.
Lance Walker started his training for the 2018 season.
Lance Walker started his training for the 2018 season.

Keeping up with Ken Hill: 

How about that Christmas! From what I saw on social media, many of you got hooked up big time! Hey I know it isn’t about the swag, but it is always fun when you get or give that one special gift that means so much so I was stoked to see everyone’s posts. Here it was a bit hectic as the kids had to do their running from family to family, but that has never been for me. I was drug all over during the holiday, so I decided decades ago that my place was here at home and if folks wanted to come hang out they were more than welcome. I will admit that the boys and me have a serious issue with having the self control to actually wait to give you a present so write that one off as a character flaw! And the food, I think we all need to work off all the good eats that made the focal point for many of posts and kept me heading back to the kitchen for another plate of chow. Now I am growing tired of ham sandwiches but will soldier through the week as we use up all the leftovers as I am sure so many of you will be forced to do.  

Be on the lookout in 2018 for Parker Wewerka.
Be on the lookout in 2018 for Parker Wewerka. Ken Hill

Now that we all have a nice food coma going it is probably time to get really serious about staying in shape for the first gate drop of the 2018 season. I always have an open room policy here for any racers who need to train however I have trouble getting anyone to actually show up. There is no fancy gym equipment or personal trainers to motivate and guide you but I assure you I will make sure your day ends with you very tired and very sore! There is just something about working on these West Virginia hills that does a good job on your legs and lifting logs and running a chainsaw will really work your arms and shoulders. You haven't lived until you get arm pump when you are inches away from dropping an 80-foot oak! Think of Rocky 5 combined with Dodge ball and you get the picture of how we roll. The added bonus of stability on ice and snow will really get you ready for slippery pegs and grips so all the bases are covered. I am pretty sure a winter here will have a rider ready to carry a quad around the track!

In all seriousness, its the time of year many of us have to work hard to get the funds needed to roll out and complete the entire racing season without standing on the corner with a cardboard sign begging for change. Yes, many have the backing we all long for but if you let that play with your program you are defeating yourself in the mental game side of this deal. I can not promise you will meet your goals but I can promise you that when you are finally done with racing you will look back on your accomplishments and will be very proud with the effort and ethic you applied over your career. In the end of anything you do, your effort and ethic is all you have be it racing or a career of pushing a broom so take pride in what you do and give it all you've got. 

Now just before the holiday silly season started, Dustin Wimmer and his wife welcomed their new child into the world. I am almost positive the smile on Dustin’s face will be there forever and I know we all congratulate them. And of course John Natalie and his family are expecting a new mini Ironman in the near future, which helps slide the balance needle ever so slightly, but John is still outnumbered in the men versus female ratio in his life. Who knows, one day we might be hearing Wimmer and Natalie battles blaring over the loudspeakers once again!  

Don't forget to get registered for the Daytona ATV Supercross! 
Don't forget to get registered for the Daytona ATV Supercross

That is about all from me this week as we head into the final run to the New Year. 2018 could be another nail biter or it could be a run away so stay tuned as we draw down on another season of ATV Motocross! I do suspect some riders really pushing hard right from the opening round, which could make for some great racing and I am looking forward to capturing it all! As always, be safe in all you do and may God bless you all!