Camping is a great race tradition and we offer camping at all of our events. Camping fees may be charged by some events that have onsite amenities. Please reference each event page for camping fee information.
Primitive Camping
Primitive Camping is available at all events. This means water and electric are not available, so come prepared. We do have Port-a-lets at all events, and some events have permanent restroom facilities.
Spots cannot be reserved in advance and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Camping in the Pro Pit area is restricted.
Noise Curfew
Our good neighbor quiet policy begins at 10:00 pm local time. Quiet hours are in effect until 6:00 a.m. No loud generators after this time. Be courteous to your fellow racers - they need their sleep too.
No Campfires
Due to the large number of guests and the close proximity of the rigs, we cannot permit open campfires. However, cooking grills are permissible. Grills must be contained and above ground in an approved container no larger than 20" in diameter. Grills must be removed after the event weekend.
Fire Extinguishers
All motor homes/camping vehicles and pit rigs should have fully functioning fire extinguishers readily available in the event of an emergency.
Pets are welcome and must be on a short leash at all times and should not be left alone. The pet owner is responsible for removing pet waste.
Vehicles will be parked on a first come basis. Fire and Safety personnel must be able to see in all camping areas for safety reasons. Fire lanes must remain open at all times - vehicles blocking lanes will be towed.
State and county health rules must be obeyed (waste and wastewater must be disposed of properly at dumping stations). Please be courteous and properly bag your trash and place it by the roadway for pick-up. Garbage barrels are not for personal campsite use. Dumpsters are located near the front gate. It would be very helpful if you could transport your trash to the dumpsters.
Sleep Safe!
Motocross is a family activity, and one of the most exciting features is the opportunity to camp out and have fun with your family and friends. , if you are staying overnight in an RV or vehicle, or using a generator, you need to be aware of the dangers of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning. CO is a poisonous, colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that can be released when burning gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane or wood.
Mind your vehicle and generator exhaust while in close proximity to your family and neighbors. Do not place your generator directly under a slide-out or under your vehicle, where the fumes can seep into the camper. Make sure all exhaust fumes are properly and fully vented, so that they do not become trapped or seep into your sleeping quarters. When sleeping in a van, car or truck, make sure the exhaust is unobstructed if you run the engine for heat. Even when sleeping outdoors under the stars, make sure you are not too close to an exhaust. Devastating consequences can result without proper ventilation.
What to do if you suspect someone has been poisoned:
When you suspect CO poisoning, promptly taking the following actions can save lives:
- Move the victim immediately to fresh air in an open area
- Call 911 and notify track officials immediately.
- Administer CPR if the victim has stopped breathing. (Be careful not to expose yourself to fatal levels of CO poisoning when administering CPR).
Know the dangers of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. For more information, please visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency page on Carbon Monoxide.