ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Another Great Day

Site Lap: Another Great Day

Thursday, December 14, 2017 | 4:05 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2017 | 4:05 PM

It’s another great day in the ATV Racin’ Nation. The season is over, and the holiday is nearing which means there are only a few more weeks before all attention and focus turns toward 2018. There’s a lot of question on our minds right now, but soon the light will be shed as things gear up for another “greatest seasons of all time.” 

The obvious point is that there isn’t a whole lot going on right now. I have heard some rumblings of folks changing teams, folks looking for teams and even bigger news that we aren’t at liberty to discuss at the moment. So even though things seem a little on the downswing, there is some hope for big things to come for some in 2018 even though there hasn’t been a lot of buzz.

Registration for FLY Racing ATV Supercross is now open!
Registration for FLY Racing ATV Supercross is now open! Ken Hill

The buzz this week for me is the recent GNCC Awards celebration. There were a few ATVMX boys that scored big this past season. Even though a couple of them have made the switch they are still motocross racers at heart. Ries Parvin and Jeremy LeDonne both walked away with National Championships. Actually LeDonne had two, one on a quad and one on a bike. Hats off to both of those young men for the amazing accomplishments this year. Haedyn Mickelson scored a sixth overall for the year in the 4x4 A class. He was actually injured and missed a few rounds so his position was still very impressive. 

Ries Parvin who nearly hung up his racing gloves only a couple of years ago found a new life in the off-road racing scene. Racing in the highly competitive Junior B class he says it’s as challenging if not more than MX, but without the jumps. Some tracks do have moto portions and he always feels the extra edge at those events he says. Ries has his hands full taking the entire season to win the title. It came down to the final round and he rose to the occasion for a victory.

Jeremy LeDonne is a real GNCC “Badass” as he actually received the award for his two titles and of course doing so after coming back from an injury that was supposed to have left him in a wheelchair the rest of his life. Jeremy rose above the odds and did the nearly impossible by not only learning to walk again, but race again. Amazing he is, and he sure is fast on two wheels as well. So not only did he claim two titles, but he is “the 2017 GNCC Badass Award!”

We're ready for sunny ATVMX weekends, are you?
We're ready for sunny ATVMX weekends, are you? Ken Hill

Now as far as the other news is concerned, I have been waiting on what I can and cannot say about the situation. It’s rather touch and go right now till things are finalized but as you can tell I am more than excited to get the scoop on this bit of news for the ATV Racin’ Nation.

So with that I leave you with a lot of wonder. It will give you something to daydream about in the future days and something to bench race about. All I can say is it will be good for our sport as a whole when things finally happen. 

That’ll do it for me for now. Let’s check in with Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “Ho Ho Ho” Hill. Till next time God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.

In The Loop with Gloop:

Head over to ThirtyEightProductions and check out their latest videos during the off-season.
Head over to ThirtyEightProductions and check out their latest videos during the off-season.
Sporting that #1!
Sporting that #1!

Keeping up with Ken Hill:

I would have to say that winter has arrived as the temps are in the low teens, the wind is blowing like mad, and the wood stove is being run 24 hours a day. It is days like this that I look forward to heading south where the warm air and sunshine help an old guy get along without the pain that comes from being chilled to the bone or from shoveling snow! With Buck season all but over, I was kind of hoping for some mild conditions that would allow me to get back to work around here before the start of another very busy 2018 race season and while one good cold front doesn’t make a winter one can hope for fair conditions. I haven’t looked at the long-range weather forecast mainly because that’s one area that never seems to stay on course or be correct but I would say we are in for another weather very similar to 2017.  

Speaking of warmer southern temps, registration for Daytona is open so be sure to get that part done in plenty of time so you can join in on the excitement. I haven’t heard of anything in the way of big changes to this venue so for those that have been there are starting to get the routine down so be prepared to help others who may be attending for the first time. So please share the link to the registration so we can get every gate filled. 

Are YOU ready to go racing?!
Are YOU ready to go racing?! Ken Hill

Social media has been hit and miss for the past few weeks with everyone enjoying a normal type of life while keeping one foot and hand on the upcoming racing season. Ronnie Higgerson has been quite active as of late posting updates to his getting ready to step up his game even more. One area I think he is really excelling in is his efforts to remain constant in the physical training side of things without any real break in-between the close of the 2017 and the run up to 2018. Talent aside, the physical demands are insane at the upper levels and his push to stay in racing shape should help.  

The northeast crews look to have made their way to Nick Gennusa’s for what looked like a wicked good time on 90’s! The videos and helmet cam footage that was posted looked like a ton of fun as they let off some steam and make some memories with good friends. I know some of my favorite memories are from a day of pit riding or a big mud hole back in my younger days. No trophies, no pressure, just fun, which is probably a hard thing for many of these guys to find. Kudos to those who let us in on an afternoon of good times and from the comments left on various posts it seemed to have helped spread the word of fun times on a four wheeler! 

Vote NOW for Noah Mickelson as the ATV Athlete of the year!
Vote NOW for Noah Mickelson as the ATV Athlete of the year!

That is all from me this week as we grind through the off-season. I am pretty sure things will remain quiet until after the first of the new year when leaks should start creeping out and we wills tart getting a glimpse of how the 2018 field of racers will be shaping up. I still haven’t put the GNCC and ATVMX schedules side by side, I just plan on being on the road for the first leg of the season so it doesn’t matter much to me, I go where they tell me and get it done. As always, please be extra safe in your travels as we head into the holiday silly season and may God bless you in all you do!