ATV Motocross

Allstars on Fire in Minnesota and New York

Monday, July 24, 2017 | 10:45 AM

Team Media Allstars has been on quite a roll since our last report. We’ve had 2 national races the first being Spring Creek in Minnesota and the last being the at the “Home of Horsepower” Unadilla Valley Raceway in New Berlin, New York. Each and every year it seems like our team starts to gel at just the right time and this year is no exception. The combination of seasoned vets and team rookies has not been a disappointment. We’ve had some of our team rookies take overalls and we’ve had vets podium in Pro-Am, to say we’ve had a nice run these past couple of races would be an understatement. So without further ado lets get to the race report! 

It’s been an extremely up and down season for Pro Class Rookie Zach Kaczmarzyk #41. Zach has shown flashes of greatness this season. His 9th overall at Ironman in the Pro Class comes to mind…he might have topped that at Spring Creek by landing himself on the Pro-Am podium! Zach has the speed and talent to be on the podium in Pro-am each and every weekend but his luck is just…well… lets put it this way he shouldn’t gamble. Zach took that podium finish and the momentum that goes with it into Unadilla and he was rolling qualifying 8th in the Pro Class. But as we’ve seen almost all year luck just wasn’t on his side as he broke his head pipe and DNF’d the first moto. Not to let a bad moto get him down he came out and took a 9th place in the 2nd moto. Sunday’s Pro-Am race was the real heartbreaker for Kaczmarzyk though. The #41 machine had passed his way up to 2nd place in Pro-Am moto 1 and with 2 laps to go his rod decided to exit the engine through the crankcase ending his chances at 2 Pro-Am podiums in a row. We’re pretty confident that Zach will rebound and get back up on the box at Red Bud in just a couple of weeks. 

Kaczmarzyk’s season has been an up and down ride for sure, but one thing remains a constant and that’s his drive to get better. Zach has shown that through all the adversity this year he has more than enough speed to compete in the Pro and Pro-Am classes.

Jordan Trimble had a great weekend in Minnesota! He earned an overall win by way of a 3-1 moto score in Open C class. The only problem was shortly after the celebration and this picture being taken it was ruled that the 2nd place rider had passed the 3rd place rider by cutting the track giving the 2nd place rider (who had won Saturday’s moto 1) a better combined score than Jordan had and taking away the overall win from the #18 machine. It was a pretty deflating experience to say the least. Jordan being the true competitor he is took it as a challenge to get back up on the box for real the next chance he got…. 

…and at Unadilla he did just that! Jordan ran away with the 450C class on Saturday and Sunday to go 1-1 and as you can see by the picture it was even sweeter this time around. This rider has made major strides this season (his first as an Allstar) and we know he’s not done winning races. Who knows maybe Jordan Trimble wins 2 overalls at Red Bud?

Jordan Trimble has taken home a 1st and 3 2nd place finishes the last 2 rounds. He’s really peaking at just the right time to make a late season points push. 

Kobe VanFossen #60 also made some personal history at Unadilla by going 1-2 and taking the overall in the 90 shifter (12-15) class. Kobe has shown he can run up front as one of the youngest riders in his class, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for this fast up and coming rider. 

The last 2 rounds of racing have seen the #60 machine on the podium 4 times as he’s finished 3rd in Super Mini twice and took a 2nd at Spring Creek in the 90 shifter to go along with his win in New York.

Brandon Cesaroni #243 (the 2nd half of the BZ Racing dynamic duo) has been putting in the work this season in order to get up front as he made the move from B class a year ago into the highly competitive Production A class for 2017. Brandon also races the crazy fast 16-24 college class. The stylish rider from Elgin, IL has just missed the podium 2 races in a row but did manage his first moto win of the year in the College Class at Unadilla! 

That College Class moto win was awesome to watch! Brandon has also had 2 of his best finishes in the Production A class here as of late by taking a 5th in Minnesota and a 4th at Unadilla. The #243 is starting to find his grove, if he can finally string 2 motos together he may find himself on top of the box before years end. 

Media Allstars team captain and manager Chase Cunningham #419 did what he had to do in New York. Cunningham took home runner up honors in the Vet 30 class…we say runner up but it was more like a win since he was racing against former ATVA MX Pro Champion Josh Creamer. The #419 just has to stay consistent from here on out to give himself a chance at the Vet 30 Championship as that points race is starting to tighten up. 

Chase also moved into 3rd place in the Junior 25+ class points after a 4th place finish at Unadilla. With 2 rounds of racing to go his goals are still in reach! 

Team Rookie Gabe Dommer #171 has been showing some good speed as of late. Gabe took home a 3rd place in 450B and 2 place on Production B at Spring Creek in Minnesota. 

Dommer is so very close to turning the corner and stepping up to that top spot on the podium that he can taste it. The big picture though is the points battle and he is sitting in 3rd place in both the 450B and Production B classes…last we checked that’s pretty darn good. 

Few riders have shown the amount of improvement in a short amount of time than team rookie Gage Beebe #99. Gage got a late start to the season as he didn’t turn 16 until the week of the Ironman Race. That means that he wasn’t able to race in the 450 classes until round 3 of series thus putting him behind the 8 ball a little bit. The #99 has been on a roll as of late though as he’s put his bike on the podium 4 times in 6 attempts these last 2 races. 

Beebe has 8 moto podiums in that 2 race span and is slowly creeping his way towards a top 3 points ranking in all 3 of his classes. Confidence with young riders is key and Gage is gaining more and more of it each time he hits the track. 

Little Kazin VanFossen #80 had 2 of his best finishes of the year in Minnesota as he placed 4th in the 70 shifter class and 6th in 70 open. 

Emily Saieva #411 made her first national of the year at the New York stop. Emily has been trying to adjust to life on full size quads as the 16 year old from Knotts Island, NC was used to terrorizing the 90 class a year ago. The #411 machines were probably the best looking bikes in our pits and she put them to work out on the track.

Saieva took home 12th in the WMX class and 5th in the School Girl (13-17) class. We sure hope to see more of this young female racer at the nationals next year.

See everyone in a little over a week at RED BUDDDDDDD!!!!!!