ATV Motocross

Site Lap: It's All But Here!

Site Lap: It's All But Here!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 | 4:10 PM
Wednesday, March 29, 2017 | 4:10 PM

It’s all but here! The kickoff to the 2017 Wiseco ATV Motocross National Championship Series presented by CST, an AMA National Championship is already beginning to take shape at Underground Motocross Park in Kemp, Texas. It is round one for the amateur championship and round two for the AMA Pro ATV Motocross Championship and literally within hours the gates will be open and the season will be underway. If you’re feeling a few butterflies you are not alone as we are set to embark upon possibly the greatest season of championships in recent if not the history of ATVMX nationals.

Whose ready for the gate to drop this weekend in Texas?
Whose ready for the gate to drop this weekend in Texas? Ken Hill

The stage has been set in the AMA Pro ATV class. The seasoned veterans and new rookie field is deep and the competition is stiff. The surprises this season holds could be monumental and don’t count anyone out. The battle will likely come down Chad Wienen and Joel Hetrick but there will likely be some other players like Thomas Brown, Josh Upperman and of course Jeffery Rastrelli. The up and comers like Ronnie Higgerson, Nick Gennusa, Sam Rowe and unknown potential of the rookies like Cole Sepesi, Westley Wolfe and Dylan Tremellen leaves us with a lot to expect. Plus there are more that have not been mentioned but will be a role in all the action as well. 

The amateur divisions will also create their own climatic battles that will likely draw the attention of everyone around. The great thing about mixing the pro and amateur series together is that fans coming to watch the big boys are always mesmerized by the battles in the youth, amateur and age divisions. This year should be no different and in reality maybe even better.

One class that caught my eye in Daytona were the A classes. In particular the Production A class. This field may be one the deepest and most competitive classes in the lineup. The results alone from Daytona hosted riders that could likely win at any given time. Noah Mickelson, Troy Hill, Tommy Vossman, Jaron Cochran and Grayson Eller are just the top five from that introduction round for 2017. Then there is Kirkland Jack, Peyton Zimmerman and Michael Perkins that will likely be in the mix as well. 

The weather is looking better than this for this weekend's ATVMX race at Underground MX in Kemp, Texas.
The weather is looking better than this for this weekend's ATVMX race at Underground MX in Kemp, Texas. Ken Hill

On top of all the riders mentioned there are those whom we have not seen yet like Cody Ford and a few others that will make the A division classes a must watch every time they hit the track. Texas will be a good first glimpse of the class competition for the championship and may yield some pretty big surprises. The future is hard to actually tale but signs are pointing to something special.

Daytona was just a preview and not all competitors were able to make the event and will have no bearing this season on the over all championship. Daytona is it’s own championship and is an AMA Major Championship awarding titles to each champion. This preview though makes for a great build up to the racing that will be if you watched the battles in qualifying. If you have not watched RacerTV’s archive or didn’t catch it live you should really head over and check it and all the battles out from the speedway.

Ronnie Higgerson has been putting in work this off-season and we hope to see him battling at the front.
Ronnie Higgerson has been putting in work this off-season and we hope to see him battling at the front. Ken Hill

All the classes on track that day were highly competitive and resulted in some interesting twists. The opening round of the championship will bring its own twists and the hunger for greatness will be exhibited in all classes. Next week the picture will start to be a little clearer but even then I feel we will have more questions than answers, which is really what we are hoping for. Safe travels and journeys to everyone. 

If for some reason I don’t make it this weekend it’s because I have am stuck in jury duty. It was kind of a surprise and has been out of town before I got the letter so I missed the deadline to get out of it. I just hope I don’t miss my flight before I can get out of there. So that’ll do it for me for now. Let’s check in with Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “I don’t need no stinking hotel” Hill. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs. 

In The Loop with Gloop:

Joel Hetrick training hard before we head to Underground MX.
Joel Hetrick training hard before we head to Underground MX.

Keeping up with Ken Hill:

Rodney about summed up my feelings on the fast approaching kickoff to the 2017 season, and there is really not much to add on that front. The weather is looking prime although a tad warm for my liking, but other than my inability to turn the heat down we should see an epic weekend of ATVMX racing at Underground MX! Daytona with all its history and fancy facilities just doesn’t unleash what we know you all have in store for the new season and with the gates filled with all of our classes it will be exciting to see who brings what to the lone star state! This facility fits in so well with so many riders that it really will be anyone’s race to win. A holeshot puts you in command of things so after that it’s all on you! Passing is there for those that can make things happen and the track length is long enough to sort things out but keep in mind, this place can get rough and choppy so much of the sorting out will come from attrition as those not prepared will fall back quickly.  

Now I don’t know about you but being next to a city called Gun Barrel, in Texas, kind of puts a showdown in perspective. The saying “Everything is bigger in Texas” may prove true including the let down for those that enter this season with big dreams and high hopes. The top riders for what ever reasons have the ability, talent and funds to be ready to throw roost and win championships right from the first gate drop of the season and you are not going to change how the world works but you can control your attitude which can turn a loser into a winner in the battle for the hearts and minds of those who throw support our way. So keep in mind how you handle yourself as the season ramps up and we start seeing the results after each round. If you have an issue, handle it properly, if you see a problem, talk with whom ever handles things and lets see if we can have a drama free season on and off the track. 

2017 Wiseco ATVMX Nationals begin this weekend... Get ready!
2017 Wiseco ATVMX Nationals begin this weekend... Get ready! Ken Hill

And I may sound like a broken record, but get your social media in line and be ready to promote yourself and your racing in a positive way even if you feel like you want to wear a baseball out on a tree! This is how the world sees you, how sponsors and future sponsors see you and how you conduct yourself has meaning and can influence things in a good or bad way. I talk with series sponsors and your sponsors weekly and trust me, they are watching way more than you think they are and have no problem putting you at the bottom of their list of people to support if you are a tool online or trackside. We all know a rider who doesn't put out the results yet seem to get plenty of support and there is a reason for that and it could be that the person is a good ambassador to our sport or to the companies they promote.

Ok, enough soap box and on to what has been happening since Daytona. It has actually been kind of quiet on the worldwide intra web with the typical updates, which kind of has me really interested on how things go down this weekend. The usual buzz is at a low level and I have a feeling there has been some changes or efforts made since we left the sunshine state. That’s ok, I like a good intriguing race and as a fan first and foremost, I can’t wait to see it all go down! There are so many classes that offer intense racing that the weekend should be fun for everyone including myself even though I am working. The questions at last weekends GNCC had many asking about the battle between Joel and Chad as that seems to be as Rodney pointed out, the top two picks to claim wins all season long and it very well may be a repeat of last season but not knowing keeps people tuned in so I hope its a nail biter!  

We can't wait to see what battles are ahead of us this season.
We can't wait to see what battles are ahead of us this season. Ken Hill

That’s all from me this week as I am a hop, skip and jump from the Texas state line. Cruising in the new whip has been enjoyable and it has made working roadside much more comfortable. It would be nice to show up to an event not so wore out and tired but the demanding schedule this year may have that being wishful thinking! I do however hope everyone has safe travels to and from the race and pray that all of our racers can have a safe and enjoyable weekend of racing. God bless you all!