ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Hello 2017!

Site Lap: Hello 2017!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017 | 9:50 AM
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 | 9:50 AM

Welcome to 2017 and the first edition of Site Lap of the new year and what some may deem as “ATVMX preseason.” The new year brings a number of changes and the new looks and new teams that have come about due to the many changes in the offseason. It is another exciting time in our sport as each season in recent years has brought sometimes unexpected and sometimes monumental change.

 The new season will also welcome new names and faces to the AMA Pro ATV Motocross class as a number of rookies will be making their bid to be one of the best in our sport. Dylan Tremellen, Parker Wewerka, Cole Sepesi and likely Westley Wolfe are a few names we expect to see lined up in the premier pro ATV class when the championship kicks off at Daytona International Speedway for the Fly Racing ATVSX on Tuesday March 14, 2017. It is a time for everyone to get excited for what the future holds.

We can't wait until the ATVs are flying off the starting line! Photo: Ken Hill
We can't wait until the ATVs are flying off the starting line! Photo: Ken Hill

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I finally caught up with Dylan Tremellen for a Quad-Radio interview, and Dylan is currently home in eastern Pennsylvania still working to get a few bucks together before and for the upcoming “D-6 Banquet” then heading to Jeffery Rastrelli’s new training plantation near Okeechobee, Florida. Jeffery is putting the finishing touches on the place but a few have already found their way there and the madness and ramp up to Daytona have begun. I know Alex Gillette is there, Dylan and his brother Logan Tremellen, Silas Lamons and more are expected to make an appearance. Dylan also said anyone looking for some training opportunities should contact Jeffery and make some arrangements.

In our conversation, today, Dylan told me that he has been training some and spent a little time riding recently in South Carolina. He said even though there have been some big changes on the team, he hasn’t really been affected by it yet as his program hasn’t changed other than he will see far fewer people at his team meetings. Dylan has other big changes of his own moving into the pro ranks and seems much more focused on that.

I think it’s a great time to remind you as well about the many regional ATV series that are starting to grow. Like in eastern Pennsylvania’ District 5, SE Quads, NEATV, LSQR, TQRA and many more that are growing in size and popularity. It takes the support of those races to make a stronger national scene. It is our grassroots folks and it is where we need to be going when possible. Local racing is already hard to come by and as we see anyone who is willing to extend a hand to our culture we should embrace them and work together for the greater of all. Even if it means sometimes “lining the pockets of promoters,” it’s a place to ride and any positive exposure we can bring on the track may yield a better future for our sport.

Caption Photo: Ken Hill
Caption Photo: Ken Hill

The name Cole Sepesi is not much of a surprise to hear moving to the premier class in 2017. Cole has been a sort of prodigy in the sport and may have gotten a little underestimated in his past couple growing seasons. He made some big changes and each one seems very calculated. They are decisions he makes himself and ones he intends to follow through on. The fruits of his labors are still to be recognized and in knowing how he operates and like Chad Wienen how he surrounds himself with the right people, will likely be a major player for titles soon. He works with multi-time Extreme Dirt Track Champion Harold Goodman, he has been manicured to win championships. It is something Cole programed himself for as a young child when his dreams were being born.

Parker Wewerka is someone else we will have to get a few words in with soon. This young man has been on the radar and has even made some impressive strikes. This offseason he once again is working with Mike Walsh and they are designing a program that should make Parker a top 10 contender right out of the gate. Parker may have been a sort of unknown talent until recently but he has opened a lot of eyes to his potential. The speed and skill this rider possesses has yet to be seen at its fullest and once the seal is cracked on this one, folks may want to watch out for the power he wields.

That’s it for me for now. Be sure and check out the Quad-Radio Facebook page for Dylan’s long awaited interview and more. Let’s check into Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “I think I was on vacation but I’m not real sure” Hill. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.

In the Loop with Gloop:

Looks like Alex Gillete is enjoying his training in Florida.


Chad Wienen sending it at his track down south.


Keeping up with Ken Hill:  

Well I sure hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! For many this is a time for our savior and our families, and that shined through in so many of your social media posts as the run up to the bug day and beyond. I know my feeds were filled with family, family and more family and that is exactly how it should be! There were a few “look what I got” posts but for the most part, the smiles for miles posts that had everyone together at the holiday posts that seemed to far outweigh anything else. I know for us, having our youngest son and soldier home for the holidays out shined everything else and we are sure enjoying our time with him. Seeing both my sons, both soldiers, here and healthy is more than I could ever ask for and I am soaking up every minute of it because in a few more days, Ryan will be heading back to the military to finish his MP training and the glass is half empty guy in me is already dreading it. I must say that for our own family we all had an enjoyable 3 or 4 days where we just hung out and enjoyed each others company and I am pretty sure many of you did the exact same thing. It is such a great feeling!

Hope everyone had a great start to 2017! 
Hope everyone had a great start to 2017!  Photo: Ken Hill

I did see that the day after Christmas the exodus south began as posts from the trip and then video and images of our riders shaking off the cobwebs started appearing. When did it become almost mandatory to head south months before the first round? I am not sure exactly when in the time-space continuum this happened but indeed, if you wish to be on your game from the first gate drop, you have to get that seat time in and as much of it as possible. Now this doesn’t mean if you cannot get out and practice you are sunk, but you had better being doing something if you intend to claim a championship these days. And where in the heck did the off-season we all dread go? For me it sure seems like its been quite awhile since most of us wrapped up the MX season at Loretta’s and looking at the calendar it has been. Others hit the Soaring Eagle event extending the season a bit more but here we sit, a few days past Christmas and Daytona is all but ready to kick off. Ok, so we have two months but they go extremely fast if you are building quads, training and working so do not count on a few weeks to spare unless you are lucky or already well ahead of this off-season curve. 

It is hard for me to not enjoy the last month, as the weather has been pretty good, it was 60 here today as I split wood and tried not to break a sweat. I could hear the brap from the local MX track so someone was out hitting the jumps and hopefully you are one of the fortunate ones who have a local track that is still open as I am sure we will be seeing ice, snow and bitter temps soon enough. I usually run out of off-season fun (work) about the time the fresh fruit scene here is all dried up and have learned to embrace that run south to feast on things. I will be tired of splitting wood, tired of clearing brush, tired of short days and that fierce cold wind so your posts from down south affect me not for the moment, however by the end of February I will be more than ready to come join you but for now, the singing two stroke I hear is my chainsaw and the roar of the brap comes from a wood splitter and the chug of a tractor! It is the glamorous lifestyle  and not sure many of you could embrace such a life! Just know that I see everyone working hard and are determined to get things done no matter what your situation is! 2017 should prove to be incredible, for who will be the big question! 

Ok folks, cutting it short because I get one more chance to hit the woods with my kid for the last few days of deer season and I intend to enjoy them. God bless you all!