ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Merry Christmas!

Site Lap: Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2016 | 9:00 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2016 | 9:00 PM

Merry Christmas to everyone in the ATV Racin’ Nation! It's hard to believe that it’s already here and another calendar year is just around the corner. The change of seasons to winter is here, and as we have mentioned so is change in the Racin’ Nation. By the time spring rolls around and the new growth and surprises of all the change that the “new era” brings we will all be amazed at the beauty of our new and changing racing world.

Nick Gennusa sent in a update for 2017, read below. Photo: Ken Hill
Nick Gennusa sent in a update for 2017, read below. Photo: Ken Hill

The news released last week from Root River Racing was obviously very surprising and on the heels of that, GennUSA’s Nick Gennusa has some pretty big changes himself. Everything from new brands, to growing in numbers... The training season is just around the corner and Nick sent the following update on how things are going for the “Jersey Boy.”

What always seems to be the biggest waiting time of the year, is going by the fastest it has ever went for me. This off-season has been very crazy for me so far, but going well at the same time. I have been staying active every week on The Program to stay in shape, as now it is way too cold to ride up North here in New Jersey. The only thing we can do is train in the gym at this time of the year. Unless you have a snowmobile...which I don't.   

It feels like just yesterday we were saying goodbye to everyone at Soaring Eagle and now I'm only about three weeks away from my departure down at the Ford family's facility for training. As many of you know, I have made the switch over to a Honda for 2017.

Since the ATV Pro Challenge, it was clear and confirmed that I would make the switch because of the results I had with not a whole lot of time on that quad. Since that race, I have been cycling out my Yamaha quads and parts with Honda quads and parts. This is a big change for my team and me. I love big changes like this and always have because it keeps it interesting.

I also strongly believe that growth is not possible without change. This is the next big step for me in my career. 

That being said, I have had my practice and race bikes torn down to their frames and sent out to my awesome guys at Walsh Race Craft for welding and powder coating, and receiving parts every week for the bikes. I can not really assemble my machines until I have everything but my final parts will arrive this week, as well as my motors will be back from Baldwin Motorsports. In the next few weeks I will need to have my practice quads built before I head south. My mechanic Tracey Gennusa and I definitely have our work cut out for us. 

Another big change to my team for 2017 is that I have brought on a GennUSA Racing team rider, Gage Scaletti. Gage will be coming down to Texas with me to train in the off-season. He will also be racing a TRX450. We are not positive yet on what class he will race, but he will be ready regardless. Gage is a young kid with a lot of talent and I am looking forward to riding with him every week and helping him grow on and off the track.

2017 is a huge change for GennUSA Racing all around but we are looking forward to it. The machines I am building are starting to look really awesome and I cannot wait to release some more pics to the public. I will always go with the Red White and Blue theme under GennUSA Racing, but I need to be honest I think these are the best looking bikes I have built yet, lol. I am beyond excited more than I have ever been to get the season started. I think the difference is just simply the big switch to a Honda. 

Thank you to the Ford Family and Rich Gillette for the upcoming support for 2017. It means the world to my team and myself. I'll see you on the gate at Daytona.

Thanks for the news Nick! It looks like things are really starting to shape up for so many and to say it's exciting for me as a fan is quite the understatement. This along with most news we are receiving is and has been very positive. Unfortunately there are bumps in the road.

Nick Gennusa sent in a update for 2017, read below. Photo: Ken Hill
Nick Gennusa sent in a update for 2017, read below. Photo: Ken Hill

I spoke briefly with AMA Pro ATV racer Nick Moser who has had a very eventful past few years. Good things seem to be stock piling but recent indicators are beginning to give things a little different appearance from this young mans camp. A recent MRI has yielded some unfavorable news and Nick’s future is presented with change itself. Next week we will follow up with Nick and get the full details. Let's hope and pray that there is a silver lining to the story.

That’s it for me for now. Lets’s check in with Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “Ho Ho” Hill. Till next time, Merry Christmas and God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs!

In The Loop with Gloop:


It’s so cool to see Jeffrey going back to his original number!


Joel Hetrick is ready to get his training started. 

Keeping up with Ken Hill: 

Well Christmas is literally right around the corner as this edition of Site Lap will be just a few days before the fat man in a red suit makes his annual pilgrimage to all the boys and girls around the world! Social media is already being filled with ugly sweater pictures and Christmas parties as well as the gifts that will find their way to the wee ones. Usually a posting spree regarding one issue is monotonous and cause for instant rebellion, Christmas gets a pass by most and the usual rebellion is absent as it should be! This is the time of year we are supposed to give cheer and be joyful as we participate in the act of giving be it through charity or gifts to our loved ones and friends. It is also a good time to buy that special gift for ourselves and not feel guilty! Now personally, I buy myself Christmas and Birthday gifts year round and in fact, I have myself covered for at least 3 years after I roll out to hang with the big guy! Yes, I am terrible when it comes to taking care of myself and I fully admit it. I have bought everything from firearms to vehicles just to make sure numero uno was handled and to release the burden of what to buy me from my family. See, it was in their best interest not a guilty pleasure! 

What are your predictions for the upcoming season? Be sure to hashtag #ATVMX in your social media posts!Photo: Ken Hill
What are your predictions for the upcoming season? Be sure to hashtag #ATVMX in your social media posts!Photo: Ken Hill

The past several years though has me answering the question from family of what I would like or what to buy me relatively easy and helps me in a huge way all year long. The answer used to be anything hunting or fishing related but that has turned to gift cards for Subway, Cracker Barrel and just about any of the fast food establishments, heck a visa card or Wal-Mart card works just as well. Now my older family members kind of scoffed at that seeing it as a very non personal gift but once explained to them that I use those cards in all my many miles of travel, they seemed to allow the idea to become habit. So when Christmas morning arrives or a card from a distance friend or family arrives with a gift card I just smile and put it in my wallet knowing at some point during the race season I will use that gift to keep me going while helping to offset some of the cost of doing what I do. It may not be the most personal gift but it is one of the most practical and comes in real handy when you are low on cash and 900 miles from home! It is funny the things we can come up with when being broke meets an opportunity! 

This will also mark the second Christmas for our family where a homecoming becomes the real gift of the holiday season as my youngest son returns from Army basic training for a two-week period before returning for 8 more weeks of training at the posh resort military base that is Fort Leonardwood Missouri! From the images we have seen, he has dropped some weight and put on some muscle and looks really good although the wife fully intends to fatten him up while she has him home. The Christmas my oldest son underwent his transformation from civilian to MP was special indeed as not seeing him for months then having him arrive just prior to the holiday meant so much to everyone. Cody made Sergeant last month so having Ryan who is a Private here should be quite entertaining! Mom may have to step in and trump the military rank and slow the amount of shenanigans that I know are coming. As a father and patriot, seeing both my sons as brothers in arms really hits home and when you throw in the Christmas spirit, I can’t help but feel immense pride and pray non stop for not only their safety but for every single member of our armed forces that we call family to be safe and we pray for their families who can not be with them. Both of these “kids” grew up racing and helping me at many events over the years and as I look back through pictures it is hard to find one that doesn't have them at a race with gear on competing or a camera in their hand helping earn their keep. Cody actually raced a GNCC the weekend after he returned from his 19 weeks of training so their roots run deep! 

The ridiculous mud conditions at some of this past sesasons races kept things interesting....Photo: Ken Hill
The ridiculous mud conditions at some of this past sesasons races kept things interesting....Photo: Ken Hill

Turning to the racing side of things, Daytona is coming up fast! It looks like everyone got their Fly Racing Daytona ATVSX invitations and thank you all for sharing them throughout social media. I see some riders have pulled out to head south to get training underway while others will leave after the holiday so be safe and good luck as we start the run up to another racing season. The vibe out there is that this will be Joel Hetrick’s year so the anticipation is very high not to mention the stress that will soon be building. Another valuable mention is the induction of Chad Wienen to Yamaha’s wall of fame, which was pretty cool to see in their video release. Young gun versus a warhorse in 2017 and it will indeed be an all out fight that you can count on! Once again, I ask that you please share the series posts as the run up to the Daytona ATVSX ramps up so we can make this event grow even more! 

That is about all from me this week, I just want to take a minute and thank everyone who makes this all possible for all of us and for those that remain in the shadows working and covering our six while we are far from home, traveling and doing what we all love! The big secret to racing is that no one can do it on their own and those support people are deserving of more than most of us can ever repay. A huge thank you to our armed forces who are scattered all over the globe defending our freedoms and their families who carry the burden of having a loved one in harms way. Our country is truly the greatest on earth and I pray that God blesses us all!

Merry Christmas!