ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Start Up The Holiday Cheer

Site Lap: Start Up The Holiday Cheer

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 | 1:25 PM
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 | 1:25 PM

The United States of America and world woke this morning to a historic announcement when Donald Trump was declared the 45th president of our great country. I know it sounds cliché, but when I began to think of this weeks contribution I couldn’t help to think of how great the changes we have experienced in our ATV Racin’ Nation have been and maybe the types of changes we are seeing may be good for our country too. That, like the changes in the world, is yet to be known but with an open mind positive things can happen. I know being around the scene as long as I have that the changes did not come easy. There were a lot of folks not happy with the way the sport was going, but ultimately changing things from the “same old thing” has given our sport a new life. Now, knowing that it has new life means we still have a lot of work to keep it that way. So no matter how you feel about the outcome of the elections in America or even ATV racing we must stand together, stand united and stand strong.

Thomas Brown with the red, white and blue ATV graphics for Spring Creeks ATVMX National this season.Photo: Ken Hill
Thomas Brown with the red, white and blue ATV graphics for Spring Creeks ATVMX National this season.Photo: Ken Hill

It is an exciting time in our world of racing and even though there seems to be a lot of things moving forward we must continue to push harder to accomplish what was set in motion. So again this off-season remember to remain enthusiastic and positive. There are some bumps in the road for sure, but with good momentum we can hopefully glide over them. Remember to support those that support you and show them the love they deserve and then some. 

As far as news goes this week there is still not a whole lot going on. I did talk to a couple of folks, but things are still rather quiet. The reasons could be many or they could be few, but I know that there were a number of announcements already made and I know there are still more to come. 

As far as team announcements go I spoke very briefly to Greg Faschian from Koster Racing and he tells me that he is working on some things and should have them finalized soon. He said he is working on getting the team solidified as well as some sponsorship. I know they have had a pretty successful run and look to have even stronger performances next season. You may know the husband/wife duo on the team of Brian and Michelle Jenkins. I know that Michelle was recently involved in an accident and had to have surgery this week to repair some damage and help the healing. Hopefully the Women Vet National Champ will be back at it in full capacity come Daytona. 

Josh Uppperman looks to be back with Root River Racing for the 2017 season...Photo: Ken Hill
Josh Uppperman looks to be back with Root River Racing for the 2017 season...Photo: Ken Hill

The Root River Racing Team is going through some monumental changes as we have heard and we expect to be hearing more from them soon. As mentioned previously it is reported that Josh Upperman will be back on the team as the point man in the pro class but many from the amateur support program are reported to be moving to other teams. I heard the Vossman’s may have their own deal worked out and the Mickelsons brothers are headed in opposite directions. Noah will be with Ford Brothers Racing and Haedyn will be riding with the Maxxis/Liquid Wrench/ Elka from my understanding. Noah told me this week that he is nervous and excited about what the future holds. He said right now he is focusing on classwork so he can stay sharp on and off the track. Noah is also still reveling in a big ATV race win he was able to capture at the UTV/ATV World Championships, a one off race held in the mid west, shortly after the national season was over. Way to go Noah! 

A bit of news we can report out of the Root River Racing Team is that they are moving into a new race shop this weekend. If you have seen the pictures on social media then you know this is a serious shop in size and if that’s an indication, where are they headed right now. It will have to continue to be a guessing game of sorts for a while longer as news will soon be coming. 

Rastrelli had quite the ride this year at Unadilla almost topping the podium!Photo: Ken Hill
Rastrelli had quite the ride this year at Unadilla almost topping the podium!Photo: Ken Hill

Jeffery Rastrelli has also been rather busy this off-season. Busy mostly working with his father’s land grading company trying to fund his future projects. One project the JB Racing rider has up his sleeve is purchasing property near Okeechobee, FL for his new training grounds. He said that he is still racing under the JB Racing tent this year, but is also a satellite rider for Root River Racing who will also be using the compound. Jeffery says he hopes to be building not only a practice facility but a new home as well. It is good to see things are looking up for him as only a couple of years ago he struggled to even have a practice bike let alone maintain it 

That’s it for me for now. Let’s check into Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “Thank God the election is over” Hill. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.

In The Loop with Gloop:

Hetrick Racing is in full swing on some 2017 builds!


Mike Walsh taking it back to the good old days with the Southwick photo.


Keeping up with Ken Hill:

Well folks, one of the most trying political seasons has ended and we have voted our new president! I don’t care which way you swing politically, but it makes me very proud seeing so many of you involved in the process. From all over our country you voted and filled your social media for almost a year with information and you did it with an unbridled passion, which is exactly what we need desperately as the world still spins in a very violent time in human history. No matter what side you happen to fall on, we all need to remember that we need to put things in perspective and do our part to be involved in our country from the smallest local election to the presidency. I cannot think of anything that rises above holding our elected officials to a high standard and keep them on course. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who did their part! 

We can't wait to start looking in depth to next year! Photo: Ken Hill
We can't wait to start looking in depth to next year! Photo: Ken Hill

Now, I was laughing like mad over many of your posts throughout social media but in a good way. We all know John Natalie can get fired up and I am pretty sure he was way past boiling a few times this election cycle, but passion for something he believes in is nothing new. In his own way, John pushed his candidate non stop just as he has for ATVMX racing and I am very proud of him because for the most part, he stayed on point and was fairly factual in what he posted and that showed me he did understand the issues and what brought us to them. Maybe it could be that John and I grew up through the same time frame where we saw Reagan’s rise to power and the incredible, and I mean incredible swell of patriotism that followed him, and you actually felt good about being an American. For so many of you, your entire life has been through the prism of anti-American/patriotic policies, teachings and you have been subjected to virtually non stop anti-patriotic propaganda. Now, you should get a chance to see what many of your parents got to live and experience and why so many of us buck the system that is fighting so hard to turn us into something we are not! 

God Bless America.Photo: Ken Hill
God Bless America.Photo: Ken Hill

Americans are fighters by nature and we will not tolerate a loser. You can thank General Patton for those words but it is true! We started this country by picking a fight with the most powerful nation in the world and took control of our own destiny and we haven’t stopped fighting for ourselves and for so many people around the world that needed a hand righting a wrong. We sure aren’t perfect, and we make mistakes, but when the sun rises each morning we awaken to a free nation paid for and bought by the blood of patriots! When the national anthem plays, I still get goose bumps and the hair stands up on the back of my neck, I still smile when I see an American flag sticker on your quad or helmet or see a small flag displayed in your pit. You compete in a series that is shunned heavily by the industry, has virtually no support beyond some very loyal and dedicated sponsors and yet you refuse to give up or quit! You fight for it every day and at each event, you all are patriots and fighters and it shows! You dig in, you stand your ground and square your shoulders when times get tough and these qualities are indeed what make us special! This is something so many fail to see and if they could embrace the fact that ATVMX is filled with energy and enthusiasm that can not be quelled, maybe we could get the support we desperately need to grow and command the respect we deserve.   

Now I don’t know how things will go in our future, but I like the view much better than I did yesterday. Maybe if our stalled leadership can get the country working again and get wages up, costs down and people making their own way once again, we may see a swell of support and I pray that comes to our series and to you the racers who give everything to do what you do! I know this platform isn’t usually one where politics plays a role but it does in a major way as far as the economy goes so for this week, on this day, I just want you all to take a deep breathe and take in what has just occurred in this country. God Bless you all and God bless America!