ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Weeks Into Days

Site Lap: Weeks Into Days

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 | 3:10 PM
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 | 3:10 PM

The months have turned to weeks and now we are only days away from the kickoff to the 2016 ATV Motocross National Championship. It takes a lot to realized that we are 13 days from the drop of the gate of the 2nd Annual FLY Racing ATV Supercross at Daytona International Speedway, but regardless that is where we sit. Then we will wait a few more weeks and then we roll into Kemp, Texas to Underground MX for the kickoff of the 2016 AMA ATV Motocross National Championship presented by CST, which will begin the championship season for the amateur and youth divisions. The cold hard fact is that it’s go time and anxiety begins to build.

We're just days away from the gate dropping! We can't wait to get the 2016 ATVMX season underway!Photo: Ken Hill
We're just days away from the gate dropping! We can't wait to get the 2016 ATVMX season underway!Photo: Ken Hill

The south is starting to really come to life with the sounds of ATVs beating sand whoops and railing berms, as Ken Hill will elude to in his contribution. This weekend will be a preview of sorts for many as several top ATV national competitors will be on hand at the Spaceport Cycles ATV/UTV Challenge at Orlando MX Park this coming weekend. It will be interesting to see who shows up and what they are bringing to the table.

Recently I mentioned the fact that Quad Radio was coming back and we would be able to listen to top ATV racing stars from across the land. Recently we have spoken with Chad Wienen, Joel Hetrick and Thomas Brown. Each one giving us some great insights to the 2016 season from their perspective. Chad recently purchased property in Florida and talked about that as well he spoke of how he has had to step things up this season with the continued pressure that he is under. Joel talked about all the changes in his program, what he has learned and what he expects from the future. And possibly one that you don’t want to miss is Thomas Brown who spoke about nearly having to step away from racing with lost support but things changed. Plus there may be one other you may be interested in and that is a conversation with Rip It Up Films Gloop Mahey who gives a good introduction to who he actually is and all the hard work he puts in to help elevate ATV racing.

One thing that seems to ring true through all the recent conversations with these guys is the fact that each one recognizes that their place in the ranks could be challenged at any time as so many talented riders make their way through the ranks. One name that was mentioned probably more than others though is Sam Rowe. Kind of a shock possibly if you consider that he has never really been what one would say a total class dominator. He has been one of if not the fastest rider in his classes but as racing has it he really never has been able to showcase his speed to the general racing population but for some reason he still seems to be one that each one of the top guys are watching right now. Does this mean that “Factory Sam” may be closer to reality than we realize?

Riderse are enjoying the southern weather and working hard for the upcoming season.Photo: Ken Hill
Riderse are enjoying the southern weather and working hard for the upcoming season.Photo: Ken Hill

There have been a few names that have not been mentioned a lot this season and there are many reasons. However one rider that may not be getting the love he should is Cody Janssen. Cody had high hopes heading into the 2015 season as a sophomore. He had earned top rookie honors the year before so there were expectations out of Cody he never really lived up. The flipside of the negative connotation these statements may bring is that it was a learning curve year. As a rookie sometimes you talent helps create the luck to make things work for you and the following year is when you actually learn what it takes to really contend. Cody will be one of my ones to watch for the upcoming season as he has not seemed to waiver in anyway as he pursued his dreams. He has the talent and his maturity level is rising which indicates a big step forward may be possible.

Don’t forget if you are not going to be able to make the season opener at Daytona be sure and log onto for live coverage on race day. You can also catch the replay later but as many found out last year, technical difficulties can affect that so try and catch it live. RacerTV will actually kick 2016 Daytona Bike Week racing live coverage off on Saturday March 5th for the Wild Boar GNCC ATV race at 1:00pm eastern. Be sure and tune in there as well and check into the “New Era” of GNCC ATV racing, as Walker Fowler will defend his championship for the first time. Walker not only has all the normal GNCC competitors to face but a new life Chris Borich may be his biggest obstacle this year. Borich switched back to his familiar Suzuki privateer program after taking a year off riding on a factory Yamaha that he was not able to win on. In a recent interview with Chris on Quad Radio he said he felt the pace had slowed down without his presence pushing them up front. Walker Fowler responded, “Maybe we did slow down but it’s hard to tell how fast anyone is going when you are two minutes behind.” Which sets the stage for an all out battle as Chris wants to regain his title and Walker wants to beat him at his best.

Training down south is in full force! Photo: Ken Hill
Training down south is in full force! Photo: Ken Hill

Over the coming weeks don’t forget to keep using your social medias. Make sure you keep everyone in the loop as you work toward your championship season. If you are a fan like myself, support your favorite riders and talk about them and what you are hoping to see for them. It not only takes the riders to make our sport grow but the fans will need to push just as hard. Recently the racers were challenged to do more and now it is time for fans to step up and be a part of the movement in our sport. It not only takes rider support but also it takes fan support. So now race fans the same challenge goes for you. Let us know what you are excited about, looking for, seeing and hoping for out of 2016. Be sure and hashtag ATVMX and ATVSX. #ATVMX #ATVSX

That’s gonna do it for me for now. Keep an ear out for more Quad Radio interviews to be posted heading into the new season. Let’s check in with Gloop’s Loop and with Ken “I love this sunshine” Hill. 

In the Loop with Gloop:


Casey Martin was at Motorama 2016 last weekend helping hand out series schedules and represent the national series!


Joel Hetrick still hard at it before we head to Daytona. Make sure to head over to Quad Radio Facebook page and listen to the latest interview with Joel, Thomas and Chad.

Keeping up with Ken Hill:

That first gate drop is getting closer by the day and it seems there are many top riders doing all they can to get the final pieces of their puzzle figured out. Waiting on parts to replace what they have already tore up or gear to complete their race bikes seems to be an ongoing issue and all anyone can do is hurry up and wait. Now with all the usual turmoil driving everyone crazy, loosing your RV to a fire could be a bit of a problem when you are a thousand miles from home. That is exactly what happened to Fred and Peyton Zimmerman in the early hours of their drive just after crossing into Florida. The fire destroyed their RV and everything in it however with police assistance they were able to save the trailer and quads. They are ok which is what is most important and as I am writing this, Fred’s new phone is blowing up as word spreads about the fire. Just about every call has been an offer of support for whatever they may need. The racing families always pull together and witnessing it firsthand is inspirational.

The ATVMX Racing Nation has been pulling together for the Zimmerman family. Photo: Ken Hill
The ATVMX Racing Nation has been pulling together for the Zimmerman family. Photo: Ken Hill

Now I have been running the road like a trucker this past week as I hunt down riders in the ATVMX and GNCC series to get the images we need before the season. It has been fun seeing everyone away from the races and listening to the offseason stories and the efforts being made to get 2016 underway. The same story seems to follow so many and the struggle is real as programs finally come together. I am back at Waldo MX where I was hoping to nail in a photo shoot with Ronnie Higginson, however he put the hurting on his engine and he is currently doing his best to rebuild it now. It is a fun deal, but that 10,000 square foot garage filled with parts or the factory rig with mechanics handling the wrench turning is not what the average racer is going to find. If you want late nights, stress, spending money like water through a fish then you will fit right in with the rest of us! I am being comical, but it is a hard truth but that every racer faces in just about every type of racing. We are family, we struggle together and we enjoy the success together if not for ourselves but for our friends that find it.

Last week I had the chance to hit Chad Wienen’s track to photograph him, and I am here to tell you what an awesome track he has laid out. Tucked way off the beaten path and offering enough challenge to keep the champion ready to roll, 2016 is shaping up to be probably one of the most competitive in years. Watching Wienen effortlessly shred that place was very cool and only showing a glimpse as to what he will be bringing to the gate. A few states away sits Joel Hetrick poised to strike a blow to Wienen’s championship winning streak. Word is getting out that Hetrick is in peak condition and his program is on point which probably isn’t what the other pro riders want to hear, but he is coming and I do not think he gives two spits about who he puts behind him in the finishing order.

Cole Sepesi has been hard at work for the upcoming season. Photo: Ken Hill
Cole Sepesi has been hard at work for the upcoming season. Photo: Ken Hill

Now it is very easy to talk about Chad and Joel simply because everyone feels they will be the two riders to beat this season and rightfully so. No one really knows much about where John Natalie sits at this point but you can bet he will give everything he has to put his Honda on the box every round, which adds to the excitement on the track for the fans. Jeffrey Rastrelli, Ronnie Higgerson, David Haagsma and Nick Gennusa will all have a role to play no doubt. I am planning on attending a race in Orlando this weekend that should give me a chance to see a few top riders run and form some insight on how things are shaping up as the new season draws near. In any event, things are looking really solid not just in the pro class but also throughout the ranks!

That is all from me, I’ve jammed myself on time now and will be sleeping in my truck in a field instead of a plush hotel but hey, there are a few racing families here so I am in good company! Be safe, see you all soon!


Nick Gennusa has made it to the top 15 in the Champion Spark Plugs search for a Champion. He is the only ATV rider to make it through in the advanced finalists and he needs our help to win! Follow the links below to vote for Nick.

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