ATV Motocross

Site Lap: The Countdown is on!

Site Lap: The Countdown is on!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 | 12:00 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 | 12:00 PM

­Hearts of many begin to pound harder and faster as we keep moving toward the highly anticipated opening round of the 2016 ATV Motocross National Championship by CST an AMA National Championship. Only three weeks from now those training videos and pictures will soon turn into ones of the final moments before the drop of the gate. Everyone in the industry seems excited and the countdown to Daytona and the 2016 championship season is on.

If you have been keeping up on social media at all then you likely have been seeing many posts made as we approach the kickoff. This has not only been an offseason of prep and hard work but also one of promotion for our sport. The comradery in the ATV Racin’ Nation is solidifying and everyone is working toward the same goals of making our sport more recognized and if the past few months are any indication then we are on the right track.

We can't wait to see the talent of our up-and-coming ATVMX superstars this season! Photo: Ken Hill
We can't wait to see the talent of our up-and-coming ATVMX superstars this season! Photo: Ken Hill

The social media aspect has stepped up and websites like this one at and of course has been the foundation of information and promotion for many years and they too are stepping things up. Harlan Foley and his crew at have always done a stellar job of keeping things in the forefront and they  too seem to be picking their pace up heading into this 2016 season. The ATV community can also welcome back Quad Radio which is an ATV focused interview based format that allows you to listen to some of your favorite riders and stars of the ATV Racin’ Nation. P.D. Mokry with his “I Am ATV Motocross” videos last season focusing on youth competitors in the national scene was and is another big shot in the arm creating stars out of the youth as they begin their journey to bigger things. And one more addition to the information and entertainment side of the ATV media and that is the introduction of “The Quadcast with the Todd Father” which ultimately is like Quad Radio with a different host. The great thing is that each site will capture a different angle and continue to help our sport grow.

As far as the buzz around the “Nation” right now. The defending champion Chad Wienen is busy training in the sands of Florida. According to Chad he and his wife Danica recently purchased some property and a “Florida Home.” Chad says as much time as they spend there it only makes sense and who wouldn’t want a place in Florida. Chad has also been putting in the laps on the machine and even putting in some miles with fellow ATV competitors from GNCC racing like Jonny Gallagher, Kenny Shick and Chris Borich. There is something to be said about how Chris and Chad really push each other and it could take both to the next  level they need to step to stay on top.

Joel Hetrick has been training down south, and will look to contend for the championship once again this year.  Photo: Ken Hill
Joel Hetrick has been training down south, and will look to contend for the championship once again this year.  Photo: Ken Hill

Joel Hetrick has been busy in his winter training headquarters. Hetrick has been training with Nick Moser among others. This may signal the return of Moser after a break for healing mentally and physically from the rigors of the ATV racing lifestyle. Hetrick is still poised to be the main competition for Wienen and after the past two seasons of facing the learning curve Hetrick will be mounted up for war come Daytona ATVSX by Fly. Hetrick along with teammate Davie Haagsma are doing a photo shoot this week and will guest star on Quad Radio to talk about his upcoming season.

Thomas Brown is another name on the lips of many and many  are even wondering what is going on. As reported Brown was struggling getting things pulled together and wasn’t sure what his program was looking like even. Brown said, “My dad and I were trying to figure out what I was going to do for a job when Yamaha came through with some support.” Root River Racing and a few other key sponsors also came together to get the program back on track and  the No. 3 guy has at least some support and possibly more to prove now than ever before. Thomas is training at his home in Texas and will be more than ready when the gate drops.

One the big surprises from last year was Jeffery Rastrelli. To say it was a surprise may be the wrong way to put it. It is no surprise that Jeffery is fast and can hold his own but what the surprise was is that he was able to put the shoestring program he had in place to his benefit. Honestly the odds were stacked against him as his factory sponsorship with Can Am was nothing more than a name it seemed when you looked at the big picture. He didn’t even practice on the same bikes he raced. Fast forward to 2016 and the program has changed. JB Racing is still a huge part of it but Jeffery will be riding a Honda this year and it is something that he is really comfortable on. Now the anticipation builds to wait and see what Jeffery can do with a more consistent program for training and racing. Anyone that knows Jeffery knows he is fast on his Honda and we as race fans may be in for a big treat from this “Goon with Style.”

Nick Gennusa has been down south getting ready for the season with John Natalie.  Photo: Ken Hill
Nick Gennusa has been down south getting ready for the season with John Natalie.  Photo: Ken Hill

Nick Gennusa is busy training in Texas with the Ford Brothers Racing team. John Natalie has also been on-site and a recent released video featuring the two hit the social media dubbed “Honda vs Yamaha” which showed some amazing riding and passing by both. They are working hard to get ready for this season and both Nick and John are expected to be key players in the racing this year. Nick proved he to be a player and even  ran some of the fastest qualifying times at the ATV Challenge in Texas last year. That coupled with his rookie season performance has a lot of eyes his way

John Natalie as mentioned is in Texas and prepping but the big question here is how the 40 nearly 41-year-old man will recover from last seasons crash. We saw the glimpse of the Ironman at the Edge of summer Motocross where he proved to be as fast as ever. This was good as he showed his speed and true grit once more. However, being realistic one has to wonder if he will be able to last an entire season at this level considering his comeback. The field is tighter than ever and comebacks are not as easy as they used to be. I know I am sounding skeptical right now but I am doing so because I want you to realize what this man has accomplished in the last year alone with his injury at his age. I want you to realize how hard this man has worked and how much dedication he puts in to be a winner when you seen him standing center of the podium on occasion this coming summer.

Josh Upperman may be one the most overlooked super talents right now. Josh has struggled on and off the past few seasons but mainly last season after making a total team switch. Josh finished sixth in the championship but there was never really a lot anticipated last season with that. However I feel this season is different. Josh, his team Root River Racing and his sponsors all look at the bigger picture and the one for this was that Josh had a growing year. His growing year proved to be successful even though it may not have been up to Uppy standards. Look for that to change in 2016 as another player enters the realm of major contender.

Ronnie Higgerson is hoping to be at the front of the pack this year. Photo: Ken Hill
Ronnie Higgerson is hoping to be at the front of the pack this year. Photo: Ken Hill

Ronnie Higgerson may be another rider we see battling for top fives and podiums this summer. The “Almost Evil” No. 665 has seem some major strides in his program. He has been one that many have been watching with some anticipation to see how things would go for him. He seemed to be on the cusp for a while of “going to be” but now has I feel proven the last couple of seasons he may have what it takes. Talent was never the question as he has shown speeds all the way through the ranks. Consistency has been strong and of course speed too. It was a question of heart nor drive but the question that loomed around Higgerson is what kind of program can he get put together. He has bounced around the last couple of years but with each move we have seen progress. He could be a contender for wins more often than not this year.

Brett Musick is a name we expect to be hearing a lot this season. After making a few changes in his program over the last couple of years, Brett seems to be getting back to his comfort zone. Recent social media posts prove that as we see him ripping it up this winter as he too reaches for bigger and better in 2016. Brett is another possible unknown factor for 2016. Though he may not get any wins he should see major gains this season and look for him to be a more consistent top five competitor in the AMA Pro ATV class.

One of our other top 10 finishers from last season was Tyler Hamrick. Tyler has shown some major speeds and potential in the past. However this season I don’t think we will be seeing him around much. Tyler has taken on a full time career outside the racing industry and is looking at the next chapter in his life. As hard as it was for him he has decided to move on in his life and focus there for now. However, do not be surprised to see him back at the track again someday.

This season is looking to be one for the record books.Photo: Ken Hill
This season is looking to be one for the record books.Photo: Ken Hill

Vital Cazenave who was also a top finisher in the top 10 at No. 8 has not made a lot of noise over the past few months. I personally have not heard what his plans are for 2016 but know if he is able to make another season he could find some speed of his own. Vital is a part of the Joe Byrd Quad Riding Schools effort and comes to the ATVMX from Argentina. This seems to be a pretty big hotbed for talent and 2016 may show that again. Whether or not Vital will be a part this season will be answered very soon and I for one am hoping he is able to make it.

One last rider I would like to mention to keep an eye for this year is the No. 7 Joe Byrd. Now for nearly three decades Joe has raced the pro class winning it twice. He has been one of the biggest mentors our sport has ever known and nearly everyone he lines up with he taught through his Joe Byrd Riding Schools. Joe announced his retirement from ATV racing and said this will be his last year racing the class at 42. He is the oldest professional motocross racer two or four wheels and still one of the fastest men alive. We will celebrate Joe’s accomplishments in the upcoming season and will witness the final laps of one of the sports greatest competitors. I only hope you have a moment to shake the living legends hand or pat him on the back and say thanks for all he has brought to our sport. Joe recently began an aviation company where he brokers the sale of aircraft as well as provide transportation for some pretty important folks. Good luck to Joe this season as he says he still wants to get a win or tow before he goes and will be gunning for holeshots which is a daunting task for any machine carrying a racer weighing over 200 pounds. He’s a big boy and that’s why we call him Big Byrd.

That’s it for me for now. Let’s check in with Gloop and Kenny “I love the sunshine” Hill. Till next time God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.

In the Loop with Gloop: 


Chad Wienen has a new look for his Yamaha!


Troy Hill has been putting in the work down south. 

Keeping up with Ken Hill:

Hello from sunny Florida! I know many of you are stuck in the winter wonderland and to have me rub in the fact that it is nearing 70 degrees and I am tucked into a shady spot next to the ocean probably will not win me any new friends, but I can’t help it! It has been beautiful so far down here and while I have felt your chilling anguish does not despair, we will all be together soon enough at Daytona!

Daytona ATVSX is just around the corner, whose ready!? Photo: Ken Hill
Daytona ATVSX is just around the corner, whose ready!? Photo: Ken Hill

Speaking of Daytona, I managed to catch a documentary about the first ever CBS live broadcast of the 1979 Daytona 500 on the state channel down here. It was filled with technology glitches and the direction of the program seemed to wander at times. The race ended with a spectacular crash that took out the leaders and ended in a fistfight! The entire time I was watching I could not help but relate what RacerTV went through and goes through when they are doing their filming and live broadcasts. They have faced tons of challenges and overcome so many obstacles, all to expand our racing life. A talented group of folks no doubt and well deserving of praise and our support. So please, when you see the links to the broadcasts and shows from RacerTV, share them all across the social media spectrum so we can all do our part in their continued growth! 

Now on to what is going on down here. Quite a few of the top riders in the world call Florida home for the months leading up to the first round. I caught up with a few at Waldo MX a few days ago and observed their efforts to get ready. New gear, new set ups and the challenges that come with dusting off the skills that have remained silent for quite some time. Engine swaps, suspension tweaks and the constant push to get better seem to fill the hours spent far from the comfort of home. The cost of racing is not cheap and every mistake costly but the attitudes are what I walked away remembering the most. The will to win is as great as ever, even with a pro rider who may never see the podium. That drive that will not allow them to quit or slack off and yet even on a bad day they promote not only the series but the work ethic that lives deep within each and every one of them. It truly is amazing and each one faces virtually the same obstacles that scream failure at every twist and turn. Before the first gate drop, the majority of riders will have already seen the low that most any athletic endeavor can create, so if you get a chance, get to a race and talk with these riders and hear the thirst for success and see if you walk away with even more respect and admiration that these incredible people deserve. 

We're looking forward to see Thomas Brown and his new deal this season!Photo: Ken Hill
We're looking forward to see Thomas Brown and his new deal this season!Photo: Ken Hill

That is all from me this week, the sun is starting to take over the shade and I have not applied sunblock today! Over the next few weeks I will be spending time with just about every pro rider I can find so look for some insider info in upcoming editions of Site Lap!