ATV Motocross

Nine6Nine Boys Back in Action in 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 | 2:10 PM

Them Nine6Nine Boys Back in Action in 2016
By: Ashlee Dubruiel

After a hard fought 2015 season, Travis Moore earned his first ATVMX National Championship as a manager, mentor, mechanic, and trainer of Alan Myers, the 2015 Youth All-Star Champion. Myers began the season as a newcomer to the ATVMX Series. Starting his year with a win at Daytona SX, Moore and Myers were determined to make an imprint on the ATVMX community. Soon into the season, Myers, a New Jersey native, decided to move to Tennessee to train full-time with Moore. Moore’s West Tennessee training methods have proven to work well in Motocross competition earning Moore 11 Amateur Championships, 4 National Championships, and 1 Pro-NEATV Championship in 2013. Moore says, “Myers started his move to Tennessee a bit homesick. After the upset at Iron Man ending the weekend 1-2, Alan had a goal in mind.” Moore knew that this would be his chance to instill a Motocross mentality in Myers that would earn him success. After a month of consistent training, Alan earned first place in 6 straight motos, ending his 2015 season at Loretta Lynn’s a Champion. Myers explains in an interview with Tomlin, “This Championship is just as much Travis’ as it is mine. He pushed me to tap into potential that took me to a new level of riding. I can’t wait to continue my career with him.”

Moore says, “I always knew I wanted to give back to the racing community what it gave me.” Moore has a training facility in Tennessee called Mooreland. He provides a National-caliber track that mimics technical sections from all over the National series. His program provides room-and-board, health/fitness, and riding technique. He believes that the mental aspect of riding is just as important as the physical. Since August, Moore has spent a lot of time thinking and preparing for the 2016 season. He has decided to take on the challenge of growing his team by accepting five riders to represent Team Nine6Nine under his management. These riders will compete across the boards at the 2016 ATVMX National Series. He is optimistic and eager to begin this journey again at Daytona SX.

The Nine6Nine Boys are back in action for 2016!
The Nine6Nine Boys are back in action for 2016! Photo: Courtesy of Team Nine6Nine

Alan Myers plans to use his previous season’s success as motivation into the 2016 National Series in hopes of being a top contender in Production A and 450 A classes on his LTR 450. He’s starting his season early by moving to Tennessee February 1st and taking online classes to finish his academic year. Myers says, “I am hungry for another Championship. I cannot thank my parents enough for having faith in my talent and providing such an awesome opportunity for my racing career.”

Logan Stanfield will be representing Team Nine6Nine in the Production B and Open B classes on his TRX 450. Moore learned of Stanfield through his battles in the Youth All-Star class. Moore says, “Logan is the more reserved of the bunch, but don’t let his quietness underestimate his ability to ride an ATV.” In the latter part of 2015, Stanfield also moved to Tennessee to gain the Moore mentality. He was able to bring motivation to his fellow riders. He had the want-to every day, never complained about the 90 degree Tennessee heat, and pushed through every workout with one goal in mind, winning motos. Rob and Lisa Stanfield stated to Moore that Logan ended his 2015 season with much more drive than he started. He too is moving to Tennessee in February to join Team Nine6Nine as they begin their preparation for the 2016 season. Be on the lookout for the well-mannered Indiana native. Moore says, “Stumbling upon him, is like finding a diamond in the rough. I am excited to see his performance this season and the years to come.”

Ryan Williams, a Tennessee native, will be making his debut as a full-time National Series rider in the Production B and 450 B classes on his TRX 450. After a few upsets in attempts to ride in National Series races, Ryan has learned that the level of competition is very different from that of his local ATV series. Ryan and his family have put full commitment into training under Moore in hopes to be battling for a top position in his classes. Moore says, “Watching Ryan at local races, I noticed his raw talent in riding ATV’s. I am planning to sharpen his talent into championship status.” Ryan will head 45 minutes West to live with Moore to start the training program in February.

Chris Bosnakis from Perth, Australia will be making his debut in the National Series in Pro-Am and Pro-Sport classes. Chris started racing ATV’s in the 90 class in his homeland. His success allowed him to work his way up to the Pro class in 10 short years. He has earned 13 State Championships, 9 National Titles, and 2 Australian Pro Championships. He is eager to come to the United States to make his mark as a top contender in his classes. Chris will make a 24-hour flight to live in Tennessee on February 4th. For 7 months, Chris will have an extended Visa that will keep him separated from everything he’s ever known in Australia. That shows the utmost commitment and trust in Team Nine6Nine. Moore says, “Just through phone conversations, I get the vibe from him that he has a deep desire to compete and add more Championships to his resume. The mix of his desire and my mentality could lead to great success for the both of us.” Moore is hoping that Chris’ experience in ATV racing will place him in a role-model position amongst his teammates.

Luis Sol, from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, will be making his first-time National Series debut in the 16-24 class. He plans on riding in another class but is undecided until getting to Tennessee to train and understand the caliber of his competition. He is 22 years and will be riding a TRX 450. Moore was introduced to Sol while providing riding-schools in Santo Domingo to local ATV riders in 2015. His prized possessions are his 3 Pro-Am Championships and finishing 2nd place overall in Pro in 2015. Luis states, “After spending a week with Travis, I am more confident in my riding and very excited to compete in the United States.” Luis will be accompanied by Hamel Married, his friend and translator. Moore says, “I couldn’t be more excited to help grow the ATVMX Series to different countries. Luis’ success could build a bridge between Santo Domingo to Tennessee. That bridge would then benefit the ATVMX National Series.” 

Be on the lookout for the Austin’s Wish logo on each Team Nine6Nine machine. Moore is happy to support this wish and introduce this family to the racing world. Moore says, “I am beyond blessed to have this opportunity and will give it my all to ensure the success of Team Nine6Nine. I can’t thank my parents, Rita and James Moore, and Pops enough for helping me begin my racing journey 14 years ago. The time, money, and love given has impacted my life in ways I could never repay them.” Moore wants to personally thank the Myers, Stanfield, Williams, Bosnakis, Sol, and Married families for supporting him during this time of growth. Team Nine6Nine would like to thank the following sponsors: