ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Mid-Week Update

Site Lap: Mid-Week Update

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 | 1:00 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 | 1:00 PM

The 2015 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross Championship is now in the past but for another sector of the ATV racing world it is all coming to and end. This edition is actually late due in part to that but the bottom line is that history is being written and if you get a chance you should find your way to the Ironman GNCC October 31st. Walker Fowler looks to be heir to throne  that six time champ Chris Borich has apparently left vacant after a sub parson season. Details can be found at and if you can't make it you can watch it live on


This past weekend also saw Wesley Wolfe continue his rampage on four wheels trying to capture that historic crossover championship title. Westley won the College A class and finished top 15 overall and was the first non-XC1 Pro beating all the XC2 Pro Am and one pro. Westley was top amateur once again and is one step closer to claiming the two different ATV discipline titles.  

A surprise appearance by ATV Racin’ Nations Kiersten Keene and family. They traveled about four hours to catch the excitement going on and cheer on Westley. I spoke briefly with the family and they were all smiles enjoying the atmosphere but when I asked Keirsten if she was going to try XC she laughed and said no way. Regardless if she races or not, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and are looking forward to the future. 

I am sure you all remember Duck Lloyd. Well Duck has found himself back to racing since the summer break of GNCC. It appears Duck and the family have been super busy working the family business but finally found some time to slow down no catch some racing. Duck started out in New York posting a third place finish in the highly competitive Junior 22+A class. He followed that up with a second in Pennsylvania at the Mtn. Ridge GNCC and a win at Ohio’s Power Line Park GNCC. So looks like Duck may now earn a new nickname, “Woods Duck” Lloyd.  

Thomas Brown took home the win at the ATV Pro Challenge in Texas
Thomas Brown took home the win at the ATV Pro Challenge in Texas Photo:

Many of you may remember the last Site Lap I was in Texas for the ATV Pro Challenge in memory of Caleb Moore. I just want to say what a great event. A special thanks to TQRA and Oak Hill MX Park’s Jeff and Dawn Oldenburg. Both organizations were very delightful to work with and the whole event was a success. The turnout was not was hoped for but still the event itself was as good as anyone could have hoped for.   

A $35,500.00 payout to open expert/pro, pro am and amateurs made it profitable for a few. The Pro class winner received $5,000.00, pro am $2,750.00 and amateur and youth classes won $75.00 gift cards for winners. The top ten were paid in pro and pro am with top three in amateur and youth. It was quite an undertaking but the organizers did a great job and I look for the purse to be even bigger next year. They are also looking at changing the date to try and make it more convenient for folks to attend.  

Thomas Brown came out the big winner on both Saturday and Sunday netting wins in both Pro and Pro Am. Actually the Pro and Pro Am race was the exact line up minus Saturday their place finisher Jeffery Rastrelli who injured himself in practice and opted out for Sunday. John Natalie was on it again which is still surprising given the details of his injuries from Muddy Creek and the recent surgery on his lungs to repair the rest of the damages. But the man lived up to his nickname of “Ironman” once again. He actually just barely edged out Nick Gennusa for fastest qualifier.  

Nick Gennusa had a stellar season, and kept the momentum going at the ATV Pro Challenge.
Nick Gennusa had a stellar season, and kept the momentum going at the ATV Pro Challenge. Photo: Ken Hill

Nick Gennusa is a whole other story. This kid had an amazing season at the nationals. He earned top rookie of the year and a top five ranking. Nick had some issues I the mains but was able to fight back up near the podium. He was happy but disgusted at the same time. One thing seems apparent about this kid and that's that he has the heart and the speed and talent to go to the top and soon. He also has the backing and support of a good family and supporters that recognize the goldmine that is Nick Gennusa. 

The highlight of the weekend though had to be the win for Thomas Brown. Thomas is a a true Texas native and was close friends with Caleb Moore and his family. Thomas has wanted to win the event possibly more than any he has ever raced for that. As podium celebrations were underway, Caleb’s  mom said she noticed a lot of signs from  Caleb often and that his number was 31 and that this years win for Thomas a sign to her. She said, “it is the third year for the event and one of his closest friends took first. A 3 and a 1, which make 31.” She couldn't have been any happier and neither could Thomas. The money meant a lot but the win meant more than any of it. 

I have a few other memories from Texas I will try to share next time. That’s it from me for now. Till next time, God Bless your Heartband All Your Vital Organs. Let’s check in with Gloop and Ken “I told you not to stand there” Hill.  

In the Loop With Gloop:


Congratulations to Thomas Brown on his big win at the Caleb Moore ATV Pro Challenge.


This was cool to see this on Yamaha’s Instagram account! 

Keeping Up With Ken Hill:

This week can’t be over soon enough for me! Wow, usually I am not the guy wishing time away but there are those days that put you to the test! Two mornings in a row I have been forced up and made to think far too early in the day, both times by the faithful wife. One morning was due to her check oil light coming on at 4:30 am when she was heading to work which is completely understandable and this morning our oldest dog got his front toe nail embedded into the couch fibers and needed some help. There is no fun in “Joyville” when that old cantankerous dog tries to take meat off bone when you try to help him, so again, she did the right thing but I paid the price with a few hours less sleep than I wanted both days. And Murphy’s Law kicked in both mornings because they were following nights where for some reason I could not get to sleep!

So here I am, after wrestling with one of my mutts to get a muzzle on him like something from the Animal Planet channel and then being DR. Pol to free his sorry butt without causing him undue pain or get him mad enough to shred the muzzle, so typing with all my fingers attached have things are looking up. Now I just have to knock out this Site Lap and then drive to the Powerline Park GNCC for another round of tree bashing! Ok, so I embellished a bit, her check engine light was really on and I found out hitting the oil filler neck that early is a skill I need to work on but overall, I am no worse for wear, just a bit cranky now myself and hoping the wife doesn’t learn how to put a muzzle on me when I get difficult! It was a pretty mundane week besides those two early morning events and I even managed to fill a deer tag with my bow which means we wont starve so I will have to dwell on the positive and forget the negative and keep moving forward so I reckon there is a lesson in there for all of us.

Congrats to Rastrelli as he also made his way onto the podium in Texas.
Congrats to Rastrelli as he also made his way onto the podium in Texas. Photo:

I wanted to throw out my own big congrats to Thomas Brown for winning the Caleb Moore Pro Challenge as well as a rowdy round of hand clapping for John Natalie’s finish as well as Jeffrey Rastrelli as they both found the podium at this event. There was not a ton of internet chatter during past weekends race but I do recall not having much internet in that area so I am going to get the scoop from Rodney and from the race reports that are now posted on their website so be sure to check that out.

That is all from me this week. I had planned on a few more interviews but timing was bad for the riders I was chatting with so we will get that fixed up for upcoming editions. I would like to ask that if you can, send us some pictures of your Halloween costumes as I know several of the youth racers and several of the not so youth riders will be going all out and do not forget your pumpkins! It is cool to see the race themed carvings each year!