ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Fall Racing Keeps Going

Site Lap: Fall Racing Keeps Going

Friday, September 11, 2015 | 5:35 PM
Friday, September 11, 2015 | 5:35 PM

Another week closes and still yet though the season is officially over on the Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Championship does not mean the racing season is over. Actually things have really been hopping lately on a regional level. Ohio saw its Battle for Ohio series heating up while the S.E. Quads down south are making some big strides. The mid-west has seen some big racing as Cody Jannsen has been turning some heads. And then the T.Q.R.A. are gearing up for Colton Moore Memorial ATV Pro Challenge at Oak Hill MX in Decatur, Texas from October 9 through October 11, 2015.

Thomas Brown seems to have been having a good off-season so far!
Thomas Brown seems to have been having a good off-season so far! Photo: Ken Hill

A few weeks ago I wrote about some things that will help ATV racing grow as a whole. I wrote of a grass roots level building process that might be the only way to truly elevate our sport. Here is a prime example of folks getting together and working for a greater cause and we as racing community a.k.a. “The ATV Racin’ Nation” then we need to stand up and support in any and all ways possible.

Ken Hill as written and spoke of it many times. He keeps drilling us on the social media end of things. He’s right! We must all support this if not in person at least in spirit and through our social media. That brings me to this point, I challenge everyone who reads this to share this and every piece of information you see coming down the pike. Like the ATV Pro Challenge Facebook page and share it with your friends. Tweet about how excited you are to see how this year’s challenge is going to be. And of course Instagram your hearts out about how ole Bessy wants some of the fresh Texas soil. Get the word out. SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!

The racing action was great this year, we can't wait to see what 2016 brings!
The racing action was great this year, we can't wait to see what 2016 brings! Photo: Ken Hill

One thing folks may say is that I am tapped out. I can’t afford it. And if not then you should be sharing more and more. But if you use your resources wisely you may make it happen. Examples like Nick Gennusa loading up in a pick-up truck and went to the Edge of Summer event a few weeks ago. He said it was less expense and they really had a blast with the simplicity. Think about that and pooling together to make the trip with fellow riders and families. Take a “grass roots” approach to the whole weekend and get back to what made it fun to begin with. You may find something you have been missing in your program.

One reason you should come other than support is the fact that there will be lots of great cash and prizes. $16,000.00 Pro Prize Purse with a healthy breakdown. Plus Robin Ford one of the organizers told me “We are going to attempt to do a similar format to Daytona with Pro Heat races.  As of today we have put together over $30,000 for Pro and Amateur prizes.”  

In addition to purse money there will be Holeshot Awards – Each holeshot winner will receive $250 per moto.  If a rider wins all three (3) holeshots, a bonus of $250 will be added for the holeshot award, totaling $1,000.

Millville was an excellent race this year! Check out the archived videos on
Millville was an excellent race this year! Check out the archived videos on Photo: Ken Hill

Pro Purse Payout will be first $5,000, second $4,000, third $2,500, fourth $1,500, fifth $1,000, sixth $500, seventh $400, eighth $300, ninth $200 and 10th $100.

The Rules – Open to both 2 & 4 strokes. Any displacement size is permissible. ATV can be no wider than 50 inches. Riders who race on the Pro level will race this class. Riders must be at least 16 years old to race in this class. Age effective date will be 2/22/2015. The Referee will determine eligibility to race this class.  If you run this class, the ONLY other class you can run is the Open Expert. 

For parking, please contact Oak Hill MX at (940) 577-2225 or email [email protected].

Photo: Ken Hill

Again if we work together on this we can make it a huge success and help to elevate the sport a little more. Be watching social media and participate and help make this a great memorial event for Caleb Moore a true ATV Pioneer that brought our sport to new and never before dreamed level that we as ATV enthusiasts will forever be in his debt for.

One other thing before I go. I mentioned the Edge of Summer MX at Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort but I forgot to let you know you can catch great highlights of all the premier classes including pro racing on It’s really cool that we get to see the Super Mini, Pro Am and Pro in this show. Check it out!

That’s it for me for now. Let’s catch up with Gloop and Ken “he moved right in the kill zone so I took the shot” Hill. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.

In The Loop with Gloop:

Congrats to Brad Riley former Pro ATV Motocross racer on his AMA ATV Extreme Dirt Track Championship


Good luck to Time Detling on his latest new racing adventure racing some TT!


Keeping up with Ken Hill:

One more week down although it did seem to pass quickly for me anyway. I know my wife is ready for me to get back to doing some traveling as I become a mean bear when I am tied to the computer and not out doing what I enjoy be it on the property working or shooting events. My region has been in a serious drought this summer and it is just plain foul to go outside with zero to do. The grass looks like a paper bag and the leaves on the trees are turning brown and falling which will probably make for a terrible fall color. Ok, so I am being pessimistic but I am actually a realist and just see things for what they are. The skies are indeed dropping some rain as I type this so some of my dark cloud is lifting. On a positive note, I was able to get several seasons of racing backed up as I mentioned in last weeks Site Lap so the downtime has been productive.

I have also finally seen the verification of an addition to Koster Racing in the form of Brett Musick to their team rooster for the 2016 season. This should be a good fit for the team and for Musick who did not have the best season in 2015. Keep an eye out for a press release due out from the team shortly.

RedBud is always a fan favorite on the series schedule.
RedBud is always a fan favorite on the series schedule. Photo: Ken Hill

Social media has been almost void of any huge happenings this week. It is to be expected as everyone winds down the season and gets their life back on track after months and months on the road. Signs of life from John Natalie after his return to the bars at the Soaring Eagle event sure made me smile. You ever notice there are some people who just cannot be kept down or stopped? Natalie is among those few who will rise above anything and he keeps proving it. It was just a few short months ago that career ending, retirement and surgery were on everyone's mind but nope; the Ironman will be back in your face next season! I won't mention the Yamaha crew and their Cabo vacation although I expect a few posts will shine some light on the fact that they had too much fun!

I had to pull the images for this week’s edition and hopefully the powers that put all this together will use several of the shots with the American flag in it. It has been 14 years since the nation watched in sheer horror as our country was brutally attacked and I find it only fitting that we keep our flag in the face of those who wish to do us harm. God bless you all, God bless this country and the service men and women who keep us safe!