ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Spring Creek ATVMX

Site Lap: Spring Creek ATVMX

Thursday, June 25, 2015 | 11:35 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2015 | 11:35 AM

It's a busy weekend in the ATV Racin' Nation and Spring Creek MX a.k.a. Millville as the 7th round of 2015 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Championship is kicking off at one of America's premier motocross facilities. The track is rising to the occasion and the weather is a promoters dream. The temperature is around 80 degrees with overcast skies, which translate into a perfect day of not only proactive but track prep. The track is being prepped and developing with each lap and one thing for sure, if you like a rough race track, this may be your weekend. Millville's race face is on and the infamous "Whoop Monster" with a big grin here this weekend waiting patiently. 

Chad Wienen and Joel Hetrick have been battling it out this year
Chad Wienen and Joel Hetrick have been battling it out this year Photo: Ken Hill

If you read earlier this week then you know that there is several things planned this weekend. First off we have a trike race on Friday to help raise money to offset some rising medical costs being incurred by Logan Tremellen. Logan was fortunate to have a crash at High Point that seemed to be rather innocent and actually was just that. He got up finished the race and then shortly after started experiencing some discomfort, it was then that he was taken to the hospital where it was found he had an underlying condition and had the incident not occurred he may have never known and the outcome could have been much worse.

Tonight the folks at JB Racing and 88 Live to Ride will host a trike race with all proceeds going to Logan and his family. There are team races with an Open Class plus a Pro rider and three classes for 18 and under. Plus individual classes for Pros and certain age classes to make it fun and entertaining. I will try to have some details next week and I know Ken Hill will be snapping some nice photos to memorialize the occasion. 

Thomas Brown took the second moto win at Sunset Ridge MX 
Thomas Brown took the second moto win at Sunset Ridge MX  Photo: Ken Hill

Saturday will be fun with a live band, 90 Quad Nationals (unsanctioned of course because then there would be real rules) and a fireworks display. A lot of the same events were planned last year but a rainstorm dampened the spirits of that affair. This year the weather forecast is calling for better conditions, so we can only hope at this point but as of right now things are in full tilt good moods mode (I just made that up). 

As far as the racing goes, I feel that everything that can be said has been said at this point. It is a waiting game now and only after this round may we finally start to see the way this championship is shaping up to be. Although I would not count on that necessarily, it is fun to dream. But personally my dreams for this season is to be surprised and not truly know till the final checkers flow. 

I'm gonna cut it short this week but more on time than last. Next week we can analyze the situation and see where we stand headed into the final rounds. I for one feel that we may be just as in the dark as we are today.

Moto two at Sunset Ridge MX was a mudfest
Moto two at Sunset Ridge MX was a mudfest Photo: Ken Hill

That's it for now. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs. 

In the Loop with Gloop:



Catching up with Ken Hill:

Is it just me or do the longer runs later in the season just seem that much longer? I am working my way across Indiana this morning on my way to Spring Creek, which will mark my first time covering this event. I have been there before for a Polaris press event, but I have never made the trek so I am excited to finally get this one under my belt. While the drive may be long for me this round it is undoubtedly short for many others, but in any event I hope everyone makes it there safe. The weather in some parts of the southern region is pretty nasty, but it appears we will have good weather for the event!

Nick Gennusa has been climbing the ranks in the Pro Am and Pro class this year
Nick Gennusa has been climbing the ranks in the Pro Am and Pro class this year Photo: Ken Hill

I was missing in action last week when Site Lap was posted as time got short and I apologize to my fellow writers who make Site lap possible. There really is no excuse, I just failed miserably at my time management and ended up in an area with no internet and a busy schedule that kept me pushing it back until it was too late to make a difference. There is a lesson in there and I need to learn from it! I did do a quick check across social media to see if I was missing anything and I wasn’t although the posts about our racers visiting the children at the Ronald McDonald in Rochester, MN, really made me proud. I actually had no knowledge of their visit and earlier in the day had dropped some funds in the coffee can at a Micky D’s, so please keep this wonderful organization in your thoughts when you are grabbing a bite to eat and throw that change in the collection box, every penny helps!

The racing in store for us at Spring Creek will be more of the same, an all out battle between Wienen and Hetrick. Both have eluded to being dialed in for this weekend, so no surprises that I am aware of that would make me think we won’t be seeing the war machines fired up and doing battle once again. Wienen’s points cushion is helpful but that will not deter Joel from doing everything in his power to cut it back down. The big question will be which rider will step up to challenge them for a podium spot!

Josh Upperman is looking to get back on the podium this weekend
Josh Upperman is looking to get back on the podium this weekend Photo: Ken Hill

On the social media front, again, please hit that share button. I walked into a gas station in Ohio yesterday and had on an event shirt, which sparked a conversation with the cashier who is a fan of ATVMX racing. Although he is active on social media, he was unaware of RacerTV and MAVTV and their coverage of the series. I see this so often and I ask myself how much more can I do or we do to get peoples attention. The answer is pretty simple and that is for everyone to share the info on live coverage or series highlight posts so your friends and fans can see it and ask them to share it as well! The way Facebook works, if the post is not getting shares and likes it does not go out to very many people and that is a problem. So please, share, like and ask that content be spread around as it is the only way we can get our reach out to the people who will support us all in our endeavors if they know about it!

That’s all from me, 7 hours left behind the wheel until I hit the track. I pray you all have a safe trip to and from and a very successful weekend behind the bars! 



This Saturday, June 27 MAVTV will be re-airing the ATVMX National at High Point Raceway and the Fly Racing ATV Supercross from Daytona International Speedway.

If you're heading to the ATVMX in Millville, Minnesota then set your DVR's for Saturday at 10 and 10:30 a.m. EST!