ATV Motocross

Site Lap: The Quickly Approacing Season

Site Lap: The Quickly Approacing Season

Thursday, February 19, 2015 | 11:05 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2015 | 11:05 AM

Welcome to Site Lap!

As the new season quickly approaches, the hype continues to heat up. The all-new Fly Racing ATVSX at Daytona is, of course, the kick off to hopefully a great season ahead. The addition of this one off type event is the shot in the arm the industry has needed. As I look at the entire 2015 schedule my heart actually starts to beat a little faster. A little anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach wakes me up to the fact that I am living the greatest times our sport has ever seen. Welcome to the all-new era of ATV Motocross my friends and hold on tight, it’s going to be a ride of a lifetime.

One of the things that excite me about the season, as I have mentioned in the past, is the schedule the season holds. I have mentioned in past weeks the great things with the S.E. Quads and the co-sanction with round 1 in Georgia. A homecoming of sorts to kick off the season, but couple that with the new venues and the return to TQRA territory is another big boost for us. Hopefully we will see the TQRA riders attending and racing with the national series. Texas is without a doubt one of the hottest and quickest rising ATV racing markets in the nation. It already produces top national riders and who knows, maybe we will get to meet more at round 2 at The Underground ATVMX National in Kemp, Texas.  It is located in East Texas on rich ranch land, and actually offers riding opportunities year round. This should mean it is going to be shining like a new penny when we get there.

After the new tracks and homecomings we head out to a schedule that features some of the nations greatest tracks and all but one runs a national event each year. Muddy Creek, High Point, Ironman, Spring Creek, Unadilla and Red Bud as far as MX National tracks are concerned. Plus we get to return to one of the most favorite stops on the tour for many at Sunset Ridge in Walnut Illinois, and of course the granddaddy of them all at Loretta Lynn’s Dirt Days. I have never witnessed such a prestigious schedule and again the anxiety starts to build.

It is almost here! The 2015 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Championship is almost here!
It is almost here! The 2015 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Championship is almost here! Photo: Ken Hill

What does this truly mean? It means a lot! The schedule itself I feel speaks volumes of where the series is headed. It has been a slow process seeing and helping it grow, but it has not been without its bumps and even causalities. There have been many good people that have put forth so much hard work and so much effort to see it where it is now. Some gave all in a sense and spent themselves broke or crazy trying to make it work. I tip my hat to all those that sacrificed so much knowing and feeling that things were on the cusp of moving forward. I honor all those that are still able to continue to fight and press forward in some cases at all costs. I thank all the dedicated hearts of our sport that work so hard to make things a little better.

The heart of our ATV Racin’ Nation beats as strong if not stronger than it ever has. I have been a part of the pulse for two decades myself and I honestly have never felt as confident about the growth of this series as I do now. Even though there is little to no factory involvement these days the foundation has never seemed more solid. The direction has never been clearer and the energies focused have never been greater. Not everyone is making high dollar salaries and not everyone will, but the growth that we have seen and the growth that is expected sets a platform for the contingents that with a little work and dedication may pay even bigger dividends than ever thought possible. It’s a new time, a new world, a new blood, whole new attitude and a whole new era in the ATV Racin’ Nation.

In the coming weeks I challenge you to speak out and up about the upcoming season. I challenge you to let us in your world. Use the greatest tool that has ever been held by competitors and enthusiasts in the history of our sport. Use your social media, and inform the world that the first-ever ATVSX is coming. Inform the world the Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National championship is coming. However you do it, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or whatever else and just do it. Then when the final checkers fly in 2015 you can say you were a part of the greatest season in history you helped make it a little better in every way you could.

In The Loop with Gloop:


Vital Cazenave from Argentina will be joining the pro ranks full time this year starting out at Daytona ATV Supercross. Vital is always training hard and exciting to follow on social media. I personally think having riders over here from other counties is great and he’s a prime example. Vital has been training for a big event called the Enduro Del Verano, best of luck to you Vital!


On the topic of the Enduro Del Verano, Jeffrey Rastrelli and his shock specialist, Matt Blommel, have been posting picture of his Argentinia adventure and really keeping us in the loop!


Chad Wienen made the trip to Argentina as well, and I hope to see all three of these ATV motocross pros line the podium!

Checking in with Ken Hill:

Dan Hoisington is but one of many racers who are getting primed for the 2015 season and the kick off to what should be an historic race at the Daytona ATV Supercross. I caught up with Dan and he told me about his training and how he feels about this upcoming season.

"Training so far has been very exciting for me. This is the first year I've been able to get the support to get south and train. Not only did I get to come south and ride, but I got to come down with pro rider Adam Clark, who is also my teammate for this year with Koster Racing. He's helped with my cornering and has helped push me to go harder towards the end of the motos.

I'm really pumped for the ATVSX at Daytona this year. I feel the training down south is finally going to give me the edge I need for my competition. I have the best support this year that I've gotten since I started racing and I plan to put my Koster Race machine up front not only at Daytona but also at the Mtn. Dew ATVMX Nationals!"

The economy is still laying the smack down on many, however, getting south to train and having the added experience of a pro training alongside you is paramount these days to staying on track as the season approaches. We wish Dan and the entire field of riders the best of luck this season!

Nick Moser seems to be pumped for the ATVSX race, and informed us he has been down south training with Joel Hetrick
Nick Moser seems to be pumped for the ATVSX race, and informed us he has been down south training with Joel Hetrick Photo: Ken Hill

I turned to a fan favorite for some insight this week as I feel that he can really help others as we all look ahead to the season and the ATVSX. That would be none other than Nick Moser! He gave me the run down on things.

"Hey everyone, Nick Moser here. I'm sure everyone is just as excited about the upcoming event at Daytona as I am. I couldn't be more pumped for the ATV world. I think this race is going to make a huge statement for our sport. Being Supercross, I think it's really going to separate the field. I've been down here in Louisiana with Joel Hetrick helping him out. Kid is on fire, my thoughts on this season are that these guys are going to see a lot of the rear number plate of the 88 machine. Can't wait to see what happens, see everybody in 2 weeks!"

Nick brings up an interesting point that I have read from others, and that is the fact that the SX style track might play well to those prepared for it!  As fans, we just want to see some serious battles but for the riders, the track will be different than what most are accustom to. I know Thomas brown has been training for this layout and I am sure others are as well, but for those who aren't you might want to work on things as the weeks grind down! 

So where does a guy from Florida go when he needs a different view? Well if you are Jeffrey Rastrelli you go race in Argentina! I spoke briefly with Jeffrey and he was doing good down there, but keeping his sights set on Daytona. The racing is mainly sand and whooped out. He stated that he is using that to keep him razor sharp! We wish him the best down there and have a feeling he may be more than ready to attack the field at the Daytona SX!

I did see that a couple of the Grand National Cross Country series riders are planning on being included in the Daytona ATVSX. Those couple would be the XC1 Pro, Braden Henthorn and the WXC rider, Kylie Ahart. I am sure a few others will be in the mix as everyone wants to be part of this special event!

That wraps things up from me this week, I get to go back south to cover an event that hopefully will get me into warmer temps for a few days! Be safe in your travels and see you all soon! 

It's hard to belive that it's been 13 years of ATVMX racing for Josh Creamer. We are sad to see him go, but wish him the best of luck! Here's a picture taken by Gloop in 2008.
It's hard to belive that it's been 13 years of ATVMX racing for Josh Creamer. We are sad to see him go, but wish him the best of luck! Here's a picture taken by Gloop in 2008. Photo: Andrew "Gloop" Mahey

Best of Luck to Josh Creamer!

We would like to wish the best of luck to Josh Creamer on his new adventures, and say that we will truly miss you on the starting gate at the ATVMX Nationals! Josh made this statement on his facebook page:

"I've done some long and hard thinking about it but it's just my time to step back from professional ATV racing. The career I've had cant be taken away from me, Pro Am Production title back in 2005, and the most difficult to obtain, 2010 AMA Pro ATVMX Champ.

The people I've met throughout my journey traveling the world racing will be some of my very best friends I have for the rest of my life. The memories I've made cannot be replaced. The people I've had stand behind me is a list too long, but an amazing list at that. This sport has been awesome to me, it's also been a bit hard on me as well. I'll keep the good times with me and hopefully still somehow stay part of it to help the sport come around again. But as for the competition side, I've put my body and my brain through many tough endeavors. That's just something I'm not willing to do anymore. I never thought I'd retire before some of the old legends but when I speak my peace with others, they agree, when you know the time has come then it's time.

Oh and as for the hospital, looks like 2015 is starting rough too, appendix surgery Friday and intestine problem Tuesday. All is good though, as I'm a fighter and will fight through this.

Thanks to all my friends, family, and sponsors throughout the last 13 years of my life. Without ya'll, there would have been no JC9"