ATV Motocross

Off Road Vehicle Ban - Hampton Township, Pennsylvania

Friday, November 14, 2014 | 6:40 PM

ATTN. ATVMX Racin' Nation:

Do you see something wrong with this image?


Off Road Vehicle Ban - Hampton Township, Pennsylvania

Once more our sport is under attack. This coming Tuesday, a hearing will be held for a proposed ban of all off road vehicles in Hampton Township (north of Pittsburgh). This ban would make it a crime for a private landowner to permit anyone to operate any type of off road vehicle (dirt bike, scooter, go-cart, ATV, UTV, snowmobile, etc.) on a lot with less than 5 acres.

Landowners owning more than 5 acres may only use their property during restricted hours, and then only after giving written permission, whether the vehicle is licensed or not. Even then use must be more than 250 feet from any home and raise no dirt "visible to the naked eye".

The ban allows police to confiscate, impound and even sell off road vehicles, and impose penalties including fines of $1,000, and imprisonment of 90 days.

If this ban is adopted, more townships are sure to take steps to immediately enact the same legislation. This won't stop there.

The AMA has joined the fight, and has issued its opposition to the ban directly to the Hampton Planning Commission.

We need your help! Please join Tim Cotter of MX Sports, Jeff Cernic of PAMX, and more of your racing brethren at the hearing this coming Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 pm to defend our sport and your right to own and operate off road vehicles on your own land.

Hearing Location:
Hampton Community Center
3101 McCully Road
Alison Park, PA 15101

For further information, please click HERE.

Proposed Ban and the AMA Opposition Letter:


November 10, 2014

Hampton Planning Commission
c/o Amanda Lukas
3101 McCully Road
Allison Park, PA  15101

Dear Planning Commission Members,

The American Motorcyclist Association is writing to the Hampton Township Pennsylvania planning commission in opposition to the township's proposed Off Highway Vehicle ordinance.  We respect local municipalities' right to maintain civility in their communities.  However, we feel the good intentions of planning commission would not be met by the ordinance as it is currently written.

Founded in 1924, the AMA is the premier advocate of the motorcycling community. We represent the interests of millions of on-and off-highway motorcyclists in the United States. Our mission is to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling. 

In keeping with its mission, the AMA does not condone excessively loud OHV's or irresponsible riders since both threaten our riding future.

Our primary concerns with the proposed ordinance are:

  • There is already a township noise ordinance in place that could address residents' reasonable concerns by penalizing problem riders if it is properly updated to recognize advancements in sound measurement and is consistently enforced.
  • The minimum lot size of 5 acres for OHV use would effectively eliminate the activity in the township.
  • The ordinance makes landowners, not rogue riders, subject to penalties for noncompliance.
  • The wording of the proposed ordinance leaves key points subjectively enforceable, altogether unenforceable or contradictory to Pennsylvania state law.

In the same way that the AMA is concerned with unworkable ordinances, local organizations like Pennsylvania Off Highway Vehicle Association, local OHV clubs and other similarly organized responsible local riders have legitimate concerns about their ability to recreate legally.  We all recognize that it is in our best interests to work cooperatively with regulators to create realistic, enforceable ordinances that meet residents' needs now and into the future. 

We appreciate the opportunity to comment now and offer ourselves to you and Hampton Township's Board of Supervisors as a resource to help identify independent OHV sound experts and examples of effective ordinances in place elsewhere.



Stephen Salisbury
Government Affairs Manager, Of Highway
American Motorcyclist Association