ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Surprises on The Horizon

Site Lap: Surprises on The Horizon

Friday, September 5, 2014 | 2:30 PM
Friday, September 5, 2014 | 2:30 PM

Another week removed from the ATVMX racing season and things seem to be in a lull. It only makes sense, as there are a lot of wounds to heal from this past season. Amazingly I think most folks seem to have plans dialed in, for the most part, and they will continue refining their programs that are working or tweaking ones that were not. Honestly, it's probably been one of the quietest post-season starts I have witnessed in quite some time. Is it good? Is it bad? Time will tell the story as I always say and I feel once things start happening we are going to be in for a ride. And there may be a few more surprises on the horizon that may shock the ATV Racin' Nation. 

This weekend fortunately I get my racing fix as the long summer break of the Amsoil GNCC is finally over. Don't forget you can catch the action live on Saturday and Sunday beginning around 1:00 p.m. eastern. ATVs race Saturday and the defending GNCC champ Chris Borich sees his tightest battle for the title since he began his reign. It is a must see for any racing fan as Walker Fowler and Adam McGill sit less than 30 points back with four rounds to go. Note also that Borich has not won a round since round 6 at Loretta Lynn's GNCC in May. Granted it's only 3 losses but again, Borich has never been as pressured as he is at this moment. 

Another point of interest for ATVMX racers may be that 2014 Women's National Champion may make her GNCC racing debut at good ole Unadilla. Megan Manshack as you may have heard got engaged to former ATVMX racer Luke Shephard. Luke now runs GNCC in the XC2 Pro Am class and Megan told me herself she was thinking of pursuing the series in 2015. She has also been getting acclimated to the Ohio lifestyle and watched her first buckeyes game recently adorned in Ohio State swag. So it is only natural to think she may make her first go around to see what she is getting into.

If for nothing else ATV Motocross Racers may be interested in watching how the woods boys go on the famed Unadilla MX track. Portions of the famed course will be a part of the race and you may be pretty amazed at just how far these boys can launch "Sky Shot.” Walker Fowler has drawn a huge New York fan base from just simply his antics over this jump alone. 

And again there hasn't been a lot of action lately so if you have news you would like to share, be sure and drop me a note by emailing [email protected] and we can spread the word. I myself am starving for information so someone please feed me.

Now let's check in with Ken "I got the baddest deer slaying platform in history" Hill: 

Last week, Rodney and I were both in limbo as to what content to provide you all. It is not that we do not have any, it just seems like when the last round is run, and the fizzle fizzles. The excitement about the next race is a distant thought and quite frankly, we were stumped. With back to school or back to work, the past few weeks has been a whirlwind for most so we understand the lack of interest but come on, it is Rodney and I, we should be able to drum up something even if it's trouble!

So this week, which started last week, had me really thinking of adding some information so that I wouldn't be caught with my pants down come Friday. I cruised all the normal websites, boring, I cruised social media, boring, so there once again, scratching my butt trying to decide on how to throw some zing on this thing! It wasn't going well I must say.

Then good ol' Gloop posted this week’s episode of The RacerX Show with Greg White presented by Chaparral Motorsports as well as the Loretta Lynn's recap video and I just knew I could get some inspiration by watching them. After viewing everything, I realized that they kind of summed it all up pretty good and anything I would comment on would just be regurgitation of what everyone would undoubtedly have already seen them. I got to thinking about the trials and tribulations I face covering the races with a camera and decided to hit the man Gloop (Andrew Mahey) up to see what his take on the RacerTV side of things was. 

It was kind of funny because many of his vices were the same as mine. You know, you got that whole crappy weather thing that doesn't bode well for electronics so we had that to compare. Of course track workers or crews that always seem to find the perfect parking or standing spot, which happens to be right in our line of fire. To their defense, we shoot back a ways so they do not always know they are playing blocker or are flat in the way. Gloop and I both will yell loud so don't take it personally!

Gloop doesn't work alone at the ATVMX races; Liam Carter is usually running the second camera so the pair is mainly responsible for everything you see on RacerTV and MAVTV. That is a ton of work at the track for just two people when you consider the B roll needed as well as the racer interviews that occur throughout the day. And when the race is over, more work awaits with editing, getting approvals, uploading blah blah blah!  Now just think, I over simplified their week after the event and did not even add that they are back at if there is another event the following weekend and I am sure I left out a ton of stuff that gets done behind the scenes, so a big clap of the hands to these guys that are doing it all!     

Now The RacerX Show has been getting a lukewarm reception if you look at the "Likes" and "Shares" when posted on our Facebook page. I know, it is mainly a motorcycle-based show, but we need to hold our chin up and be proud that we are included as it is seen by the industry and the entire off-road world. It is in its infancy so it will take time to grow and we will know we are right there in the mix of info going out to a global audience. It is important to view the show, and help spread the word on it as we have a stake in this just as much as the two wheelers do! I get satisfaction knowing some squib on a bike just watched our Pro's segment and nearly choked on his Cheetos.

The RacerTV online shows and live rounds are being quite successful and we still need your help in promoting them. Next season should bring an expansion to what we saw this year so everyone we can get this out to has merit and meaning when it comes to future growth. I know a few of you recall reading about a race 3 months after it happened in a magazine, more know about the race due to today's internet and social media and one day, the world will just watch us all do our thing live! That is a ton of change when you look at it from a historic perspective!

That is all from me this week, we all hope everyone has a great and safe back to whatever you are getting back to as we head towards fall! Be safe and god bless!

Thanks Ken! Entertaining and informative yet as always! 

That's it for now. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs