ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Labor Day Weekend

Site Lap: Labor Day Weekend

Friday, August 29, 2014 | 11:20 AM
Friday, August 29, 2014 | 11:20 AM

As the long off season gets underway here in the ATV Racin’ Nation it is without a doubt a long, long time before the first quads make tracks in the 2015 AMA ATV Motocross National Championship. Amazingly though when it all finally reaches that time, we will ask the question of “Where did the time go?” At least that seems to be the norm in these circumstances and quite likely that will be the case. I mean right now I am still scratching my head in amazement that the season is over and we are staring Labor Day weekend straight in the face.

The 2014 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Champion, Chad Wienen. 
The 2014 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Champion, Chad Wienen.  Photo: Ken Hill

The good news about the break is that we get to rest up, heal up, charge up and regain ground financially before we do it to ourselves again. Why? I imagine it is best we don’t explore that too deeply but only look at the one major thing that most families get out of it all and that is the investment in just that, “Family”. Regardless how much money is invested in our efforts, one can never put a true value on what is ultimately gained when you set a goal as a family/racing family to achieve what many only dream to be able to accomplish in life. Another grace of being a part of something like the ATV Racin’ Nation is the bonds you make outside your normal boundaries. The people you meet from literally all around the world and the experiences you share somehow all seem worth it in the end.

As I reflect over the 2014 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross Championship season I have a number of mixed emotions. The heaviest emotion is of course happiness as it was a great racing season. The battles, the weather, the competitors, the facilities and nearly everything it takes to make a good season were all there. Yes, there were a few hiccups along the way but you cannot deny that the overall view of things were A+.

We'll look forward to the fences and gates being full in 2015.
We'll look forward to the fences and gates being full in 2015. Photo: Ken Hill

There is also a feeling of sadness and loss. As in life in general things don’t always seem to go as planned. I suppose rarely do things ever go as planned. Sometimes the outcome is good and unfortunately sometimes the outcome is just plain bad. There were friends and family that were injured on and off the track, we lost some really close friends to some tragic accidents, and even through it all everyone stood together to get through it all. It proved to me on a couple of occasion just exactly what we all mean to each other when the chips are down. It also showed me how much this championship meant to individuals and what it meant when everyone reached out to aid in what ways they could. It showed me more than anything just how strong a “family” we have at the races. It showed me that no matter the circumstances, you are not alone.

As far as the meat of things this week and what is the latest news in the “Silly Season” goes I am finding it rather quiet on most fronts. I spoke with Ken Hill and he told me pretty much the same thing. We are both kind of like, “Okay! What’s the new social media format we are missing out that everyone is posting on right now?” I’m lost and so is Ken. Heck he just got used to Facebook and now he is Mr. Twitter and maybe even Mr. Instagram. All we need now to put us in overload is for something like “Snap Chat” to be invented and we will never get the skinny on anything. Actually I do have a Snap Chat and I am Porterhouse967 if you ever want to surprise me. Don’t worry if you do, I still haven’t figured out how to screenshot my phone yet so once it goes its gone.

Rastrelli had a great end to his 2014 season, he'll be one to keep an eye on in 2015. 
Rastrelli had a great end to his 2014 season, he'll be one to keep an eye on in 2015.  Photo: Ken Hill

If you are wondering about the 2014 Night of Champions a.k.a. the 2014 Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Championship Awards Banquet the date has finally been announced. As a reminder this year the AMA Pro ATV Top Ten Overall will be joining the banquet. It will be nice to see Chad Wienen, Thomas Brown, Joel Hetrick , Josh Creamer, Josh Upperman, Jeffery Rastrelli, John Natalie and all our heroes back with the banquet.

Before I announce and get to the details on this you should go right now and check the 2014 Top Ten List on the website. Make sure you look at the Top Ten list and not the point standings as those may differ. The actual points may vary if riders do not meet certain criteria for awards recognition. So again make sure you look at and double check occasionally the 2014 Top Ten List in the “Results” tab on the homepage.

Photo: Ken Hill

The 2014 Night of Champions Dinner will be held at the Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown, WV once again. There was some discussion of it the ceremony moving back to Tennessee as of late but that is not the case. It was discussed but the Waterfront Place Hotel was booked shortly after last year’s awards and it was too late to change things when the topic was brought up for possibility. I will tell you though that it was discussed during the annual riders meeting and everyone seemed to agree at the time that, that is where it should be again this year so the hall was booked shortly after that. Check the website for more details or click here.

Josh Creamer looks to make some improvements for 2015 after finishing 6th in the Pro standings
Josh Creamer looks to make some improvements for 2015 after finishing 6th in the Pro standings Photo: Ken Hill

It is a nice place and it is a nice banquet but if for whatever reason you feel you would possibly like it somewhere else, by all means you are invited to offer your opinions during the meeting this year. The meeting is held on Sunday mornings following the banquet and any ATVMX participants and parents are encouraged to attend. If there are any ideas or questions you would like to expand as far as rules, schedule, etc. this is the time to handle that as well. The times for the meetings are announced at the banquet and if you don’t hear or can’t find the schedule at the banquet, you are encouraged to ask someone on staff that night helping with awards. Dean, Harv, Sam, Carrie, Ken, myself and more will be on hand to assist.

That will do it for me. Let’s check in with Ken “It’s almost huntin’ season” Hill:


Photo: Ken Hill

Labor day weekend, a time to kick back and relax as the working folks in this country get an extended weekend in their honor. That is so you guys also go take some time and enjoy those around you, because, we know you all work hard and play hard so having an extra day to get into trouble is right up your alley! 

I really hate the end of the season. It is kind of like a dead zone with limited races on hand and just takes the wind out of my sails. August is a big month for those of us that work the different series and we like a break just as much as the next guy, but slacking off sometimes just doesn't seem to fit. Those still of school age get this void filled by heading back into the classroom while the rest of us head back to work where we daydream of the next gate dropping. 

Photo: Ken Hill

Now an added bonus at this time of year for those looking for good deals is that almost every racer is selling off parts and race ready quads, so if you are looking for a bargain or deal you will not have to look far. There are some good deals out there that keep popping up throughout social media that could get you hooked up with that next "must have" part. It is sort of like having Christmas in September!

As we prepare to get the GNCC series back up and running for their second half of the season, I have gotten word that a few MX riders are going to try and make a few rounds to have some fun. Nothing set in stone, no names to be given, just a few slide in and ride kind of deals. One big name that will be taking on the XC world is that of Megan Manshack. Looking at taking championships in two national series is a lofty goal, but obtainable. We will keep an eye on Megan as she learns the art of dodging trees and keep everyone updated.

Josh Upperman had a pretty good 2014 season finishing 5th overall
Josh Upperman had a pretty good 2014 season finishing 5th overall Photo: Ken Hill

That is about all from me this week, I do apologize for being low on content but that dreaded dead zone is upon us for a few weeks where there is not much happening to share. A few local races in the northeast will have my attention this weekend as we keep tabs on several of our riders who will be in attendance. We wish them and all the racers good luck and prayers for everyone to remain as safe as possible!