ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Setting The Stage for 2014

Site Lap: Setting The Stage for 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014 | 3:05 PM
Friday, February 28, 2014 | 3:05 PM

In a mere three weeks the 2014 Mtn. Dew AMA ATV Motocross National Championship will kick off at the legendary Aonia Pass Motocross Park near Washington, Georgia. A recent tradition to kick off the racing season for the ATV MX Racin’ Nation and as that day approaches the bustle of getting ready for coming new season of racing is reaching a fever pitch.

I noticed while surfing social media that Brett Musick was spending some time doing some laps at Aonia Pass the past weekend. It appeared as though there were a number of quads on the track that day and if you are wondering about Brett’s speed right now I can say it doesn’t look like any time has been spent off the bike even though it has. Brett being a high school athlete is certainly aiding in his conditioning and his passion, desire and raw talent keep him fast on the ATV.

Last weekend the T.Q.R.A. (Texas Quad Racing Association) held somewhat of a season preview for the 2014 national season. Reports are that a number of the national competitors were on hand to knock some winter time rust off and set their sights on the quickly approaching Georgia National with the Texas regulars. A lot of attention focused on the appearance of John Natalie, Thomas Brown, Tim Dettling, Johnny Hale and even ole Joe Byrd who made an appearance.

Only 3 weeks left, whose off-season training will get them to the top spot?! 
Only 3 weeks left, whose off-season training will get them to the top spot?!  Photo: Hill

According to reports Joe was only there for Saturday racing but left to head to Florida while the rest of the field battled it out in some intense motos. Brown took the Pro Am win overall and John Natalie took the Open Expert class win. Natalie seems to be carrying as much if not more speed than ever as does Brown. Natalie got had some good starts while Brown found himself mostly battling from mid pack to chase Natalie down by race end. Natalie did reportedly snap an axel of moto 2 of the Pro Am but we all know Brown is carrying that speed from last year into the nationals. Even though this was a preview don’t be so shocked if Brown ends up winning a few motos and overalls especially once the heat of the season is upon us.

If you have not noticed lately, the folks over at have been blowing up the web with updates, reports, interviews and all sorts of great information for the upcoming season on all fronts of ATV racing. Chad Wienen, Josh Creamer, Joel Hetrick, Thomas Brown and more are featured on the site and each day more is coming out. Check back often with them as they are surely setting the stage for 2014.

Chad Wienen is looking to keep the #1 plate at the top.
Chad Wienen is looking to keep the #1 plate at the top. Photo: Hill

On the regional front of things I would like to tip a hat to all the promoters that are pushing for the ATV only racing events like what we see with the T.Q.R.A.  Along with them is another regional ATV feeder series and a great place to knock some winter rust off will be coming up the weekend of March 8th.  This round will take place at Bremen Race Park in Bremen, Georgia not far from Atlanta actually. It is a park owned and operated by a very familiar name to any two wheeled racing fans of DMXS Radio. Kevin Kelley is his name and he is one of the most fun loving and funny people you will ever meet. He is the type of guy that will make a great host for this event. The SEQuads was started by a core group of racers that had a vision of offering racers to hone their skills on a regional level. You can find out more about that series and all the great things going on there by visiting and more information on Bremen Race Park on their Facebook page.

We can't wait for all the action packed racing this year! 
We can't wait for all the action packed racing this year!  Photo: Hill

Again reminding you to make sure you are doing your last minute checklists before heading into the new season. Make sure to check rules, supplemental rules, class structures, contingencies and anything else you need to know about the Mtn. Dew AMA ATV Motocross Nationals on the home site at If you have any questions make sure you contact someone and resolve any uncertainties you may have. Georgia is only three weeks away. The time to be nervous is close at hand but don’t sweat it, it will all be underway soon.

That’s it for now. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.