ATV Motocross

On the Gate with Nick Gennusa

On the Gate with Nick Gennusa

Thursday, February 20, 2014 | 9:20 PM
Thursday, February 20, 2014 | 9:20 PM Nick, you have had some time with the new team to start getting things dialed in, how are things going so far?

Nick Gennusa: Hey Ken Everything is going great here! This opportunity to ride for Chad Wienen on Wienen Motorsports has been the biggest opportunity I have ever received in my life. I came to Florida to train with Chad a few weeks after Christmas, and will be staying until the first race. Let me tell you, after training with a two-time champ every day; there is no doubt why he is the two time champ. Chad is the biggest animal with training. It's absolutely unreal how determined he is to do well. I always thought of myself in the same way being super determined to do well in racing. Chad has pushed me to the next level I have always dreamed of being at with a team like this. This is the training I have always wanted to happen in my life. Chad is on top of his training 150% and does not skip a beat.

Riding and training with the Champ has to be a huge gain for you. What are the biggest things you have picked up on so far?

Every year I have raced in my life I have always attended public school. With that said, I could not miss too many days in the school year. The longest I have ever been down south in the winter to train was 6 days. I graduated high school last year, attended fall community college classes and now can train for a long time. Being down in Florida training everyday for two months with the two-time champ! What more could someone ask for? People dream of this and I have been given the opportunity to do just that.

The switch from one model to the next appears to have been an easy one for you. Grabbing all the set up stuff from the Wienen Motorsports camp has to have been a huge plus. Were there any changes in the switch that you think are really going to get you to the next level?

I started on a Honda, then a Can-Am, and now made the awesome switch to the Yamaha. To be honest, I was definitely nervous to switch again, but as soon as I started training on the Yamaha I felt like I have rode it 100 times. It is very comfortable and it handles amazing. All of the sponsors that have surrounded Wienen Motorsports have this quad at a different level. The best people, and crew in ATV racing, hands down, surround Wienen motorsports. I could not have asked to be with better people and would not want this 2014 season any other way.

The transition has Gennusa feeling confident for 2014                                 Photo: Foley
The transition has Gennusa feeling confident for 2014                                 Photo: Foley

It is going to be exciting this season watching you aboard the Wienen Motorsports Yamaha, have you set any goals for 2014?

 This only really pushes my confidence up and will be the difference for me this season to get to the next level. This season I will be racing one class at the ATV Nationals, which is Pro-Am and will be charging for that championship.

Good luck in the new season, is there anyone you'd like to throw a shout out to?

 I want to thank my parents and family for letting me come down and train to live my dream, and of course Chad Wienen for giving me this opportunity. Wienen Motorsports for welcoming myself onto the dream team, and the legend Paul Turner for being another excellent coach for me in this upcoming race season. Another special thanks to Chris Borich and Johnny Gallagher from the GNCC for their guidance and support on and off the track as well. We are looking forward to a great race season!