ATV Motocross

On the Gate with Casey Martin

On the Gate with Casey Martin

Thursday, February 20, 2014 | 6:35 PM
Thursday, February 20, 2014 | 6:35 PM Hey Casey, what have you been up to in the off-season, I see that you just got back from Motorama?

Casey Martin: Since Loretta's, I've continued to work as a full time employee with our family owned construction company. I have also been hitting the gym pretty hard as well as a city league basketball league. As far as riding, its all been indoors unfortunately, but seat time is seat time, and yes, Motorama was one of the indoor events.

Seat time is so important, and when you are doing this deal out of your own pocket, it makes every detail count that much more. How is your marketing going with sponsors this year?

Sponsors are looking about like last year, we've made a couple really good changes in certain areas that will better our program and I have gotten a lot of the same ones from last year that are still helping me tremendously that I just cant thank enough. We are still in hopes of finding that one sponsor that steps up and throws a little more then just product our way though to where maybe I can just focus most of my days on motos rather then busting my butt at work throughout everyday

That is the hardest part isn't it, having to work and try to find time to ride, race and do your own wrench work?

It definitely makes it tough but I am not the only one out here that has to do the same thing. Leading up to last season, I hit the track 4 times prior to round 1 and maybe rode 5 times throughout the season other then the nationals. I have got my head on straight coming into this year though and I am focusing more on what is at hand, even if it means working a 10 hour day then pushing myself to at least get a moto in. Last year, to me, was just more of a "yea whatever" kind of year. I was grateful to get to race, but I just didn't focus like I needed to and didn't push myself. This season will be much different.

Well it sounds like you have the determination, drive and focus that is required to excel in this sport, what goals do you see setting for yourself for this season?

Number one goal is to have fun with it, that's what got us all, as into this sport and that's how it should always be. Coming into round 1 at Aonia, I know I am not one of the top competitors but I am still expecting a good solid weekend. And no matter how I finish up overall, I am just going to try to better myself and my bike at every following race, and as for the year, I am setting a goal for top 7 overall in the pro class.

Casey Martin has refocused his efforts for 2014Photo: Hill
Casey Martin has refocused his efforts for 2014Photo: Hill

That sounds like a solid plan, and so many loose the fun aspect of it due to the high cost of racing in general. You have got to want to throw a shout out to those who are behind the scenes getting things done and supporting your program.

Absolutely, most importantly for all of this I have to thank both of my parents as we keep our family business running and we still go racing as a family, which is awesome because it keeps us close. There are a ton of sponsors already on board for the year and a few that are still up in the air. Once everything is finalized, I will do a press release and let the world know the people that are making this year possible.

Casey thanks for taking the time to bring us up to date on your program. We hope you have a great season!