ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Plotting Course

Site Lap: Plotting Course

Friday, November 15, 2013 | 3:00 PM
Friday, November 15, 2013 | 3:00 PM

Even though the season is now officially over since the banquet a few weeks ago, there are a few lingering thoughts that hold on from 2013. The thoughts that hold on though are thoughts that will carry us into the 2014 Mtn. Dew AMA ATV Motocross Championship season with a bright and positive attitude.

I believe the positive momentum that we witnessed at the banquet is part of the same positive attitude we were treated to in last week’s Site Lap and fortunately we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of what a new year will hold. Joel Hetrick on a Can-Am? Will there be more pro riders moving up to the class? Will the new 15-minute plus two-lap pro motos make for more exciting racing? There are so many more questions that will be asked and only time can answer them. The nice thing about a long off-season is the anticipation of what is to be.

Congratulations to Mtn. Dew as being named Sponsor of The Year. And a hearty thank you to Rich Gillette of the Root River Racing who orchestrated the connection with ATV racing and the great soda pop giant. During the presentation Rich spoke of the significance of being associated with the company and what it means to the Mtn. Dew AMA ATV Motocross Nationals. He also stated that Mtn. Dew would be back as title sponsor and things were already being lined up for 2014. I can’t wait to see what new and exciting things that will be introduced in 2014.

Another highlight for me at the banquet was when 88 Live to Ride Foundation’s was recognized for another great year of service. Founder Debbie Bartosek spoke of the successful year the Mobile Medical Unit had since the introduction of Carol Lee Bettis as the onsite nurse on duty. The Mobile Medical Unit is a place where riders and families can stop by for minor injury care. “The walking wounded” is what Debbie always likes to say when she speaks of who they help. It is a unit where if you have a slight scrape, cut, bruise, etc. that you need something done to but not necessarily need full medical attention. They provide bandages, ace type wraps, antiseptics, crutches and more. It is quite convenient and is available at the track 24 hours a day basically.

The 88 Live to Ride Foundation provides a number of services and aid in different ways from providing financial assistance to injured riders families to help with medical expenses and other expenses incurred during injury to purchasing vital equipment to help make an injured riders on the road to recovery. They have provided a licensed doctor at times to as of recently a licensed RN to man the Unit. It is a foundation that the ATV Racin’ Nation is more than thankful for.

While Debbie was speaking and thanking everyone for the huge support they received once again at the annual fundraising auction and throughout the year. Then she announced that the foundation had received a message about some funds that someone wanted to donate. Debbie, not really too sure what it was all about, worked with the folks to make sure they were eligible for a private anonymous donation someone wanted to send. Not expecting a whole lot from it she went on her way. A few days later she receives a certified letter in the mail, which contained a donation for $100,000.00. It is something that will certainly be used for a good purpose and hopefully it is something no one will have to benefit from but it is nice to know they can help more if needed.

Congratulations to the 2013 Team of The Year, Cheerwine/JB Racing/Can Am. Headed by AMA Pro ATV racer #728 Jeffery Rastrelli, Pro Am racer #397 Duck Lloyd and a host of other amateur riders that worked tirelessly through one of the most challenging seasons weather wise in quite some time. JB has been since a huge part of and is woven into the fabric of ATV racing and the ATV Nationals and couldn’t have been a better choice in my opinion for the honor. Interestingly we will see this team expand some more in 2014 and don’t be surprised to see them contending for both the AMA Pro ATV and Pro Am championships as well as a number of amateur titles.

As the new season is still a few months away there are several things going on. One thing in particular is some rule change discussion and even class changes. The rule change proposals will post on the website for review and comment for about 10 days so make sure you check them out and voice your opinions.

There is also a question concerning next year’s banquet that we would like to throw out there for comment. It appears we have two dates as an option for next season. The banquet will once again be scheduled to be in Morgantown, West Virginia at the Waterfront Place Hotel. It is just the date in question so if you have an opinion you are encouraged to speak up.

The dates to choose from are the weekend of October 25, 2014 or the weekend of November 8, 2014. Send your comments to [email protected] and this will help the powers that be better decide which will work best for the masses.

Also, Digital Dave from said they have some December specials coming up to be sure and check them out. Also it is the last chance to pick up season memberships at season prices, which is an amazing deal.

That’s it for now. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.