ATV Motocross

Site Lap: Heating Up In Steel City

Friday, July 5, 2013 | 3:15 PM

A mix of clouds and sunshine greeted the ATV Racin' Nation this morning as the 2013 ATV Stampede at Steel City got underway with itsƒ‚ Fridayƒ‚ practice sessions. The track could not be any more perfect and with things looking so great so farƒ‚ on Fridayƒ‚ we are all in hopes that we have a chance to celebrate not only our nations independence but also a rain-free weekend for possibly the first time this season for the Mtn. Dew AMA ATV Motocross National Championship.

As round 7 heats up so does the tension build toward securing championships. The last few weeks we have heard from several of this season’s players. The stories all seem to be the same and that is one of optimism that things have got to get better. However, the forecast for the weekend says a thunderstorm in the area throughƒ‚ Mondayƒ‚ and there is a possibility this could end up 7 for 7 on the rain affected weekend scale that we have dealt with every race. Will it dampen the spirits of the racers, I would have to think it would be par for the course and a passing shower or storm should not upset our apple cart.

Like stated previously we have heard from a number players in the ranks but one we did not hear from was Chloe Buerster. As many may already know, Chloe was injured a few rounds ago and is reportedly doing well but she does not plan to be back in 2013. I got this note from her letting us know what was up.

My season was going great this year; I was second in Women Class and first in Open B. At Rossville I had a bad crash in practiceƒ‚ on Friday; I really didn't think anything about it. At walnut my back started hurting thatƒ‚ Saturdayƒ‚ night andƒ‚ on Sundayƒ‚ I wrecked, hurting it even more. I raced Open B later that day an won it then my back was really hurting; I knew then that we had problems. After getting home late that night we went to the ER for x-rays where they determined that I had a compression fracture of my L1 vertebrae. My orthopedist said to take it easy for 3 weeks and they gave me some medicine for pain. I started physical therapy, which lasted 4 weeks. In addition to the therapy an exercises the doctor said that my back needs time to heal and that there is no magic pill or quick fix. After much thought I made the decision to give my back the time it needs to heal properly even though it means not finishing the season. My goal is to condition and strength train an come back for the 2014 season.

That is certainly some bitter-sweet news to take right now but even though she is done for the season the sweetness will come next season when Chloe unleashes the madness once again and honestly believe she will possibly raise the bar even more next season. You know there is something to be said about having to stay off the machine for a while, it makes you want it even more.

The season is quickly coming to a close and with that we always seem to have some super special things coming up. This season is no different and the annual 88 Live to Ride Foundation fundraiser is once again underway and more is planned for Dirt Days at the finale of the 2013 season. Danica Boehm filed this report:

88 Live to Rideƒ‚ will be hosting a Girl Scout Cookie sale during the ATV Stampede at Steel City this coming weekend, July 5-7. A huge thank you to the Guyer Family for making this possible! Boxes will be $3 each or 2 for $5. Cookies will also be offered by the case for $30. We appreciate your support of this fundraiser!

Mark your calendarsƒ”¦Fridayƒ‚ night,ƒ‚ August 9thƒ‚ at Loretta’s will be the annual 88 Live to Ride fundraiser. Always guaranteed to be a good time with lots of fun and competitive bidding! Donations are now being accepted for this once a year event. Keep in mind that we have an audience made up of kids, teenagers, moms, dads, mechanics as well as racers. Put your thinking cap on for that special donation and help make this our best auction yet. Contact Debi Bartosek,ƒ‚ [email protected], with information on your donation or questions.

And don’t worry about fixing dinner!ƒ‚ ITP, Root River Racing and Big Daddy Motorsportsƒ‚ will be hosting a benefit spaghetti dinner prior to the start of the auction. Good eating, great fun and a time of fellowship with your racing family.

Have you met Carol Lee Bettis yet? Stop by the 88 Live to Ride ATV medical trailer and say hello. She is a registered nurse from Missouri who has been providing ƒ“walking woundedƒ” care this season for our series. Her brother, Michael, has been racing locally for the past 10 years so she is well versed in the injuries that can occur while competing. In 2012, Carol Lee approached Debi about setting up an 88 Live to Ride ƒ“walking woundedƒ” program at the TQRA series. Receiving the go ahead from the TQRA president, Austin Wilson, supplies were purchased and 88 Live to Ride headed west. Carol Lee has been busy this year overseeing both series. We appreciate her dedication to the sport. Debi would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to John and Robyn Ford for providing Carol Lee with transportation to the races and a place to sleep.

I always love being a part of the fundraiser at Dirt Days and can't wait to see what is in store for this year's auction. If the bidding wars are anything like they have been in the past, 88 Live to Ride should prosper well.

That's it for now. Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.ƒ‚