ATV Motocross

Site Lap: More Updates from the Nation

Friday, June 28, 2013 | 3:15 PM

Only a week left in the break in the action of the 2013 Mtn. Dew AMA ATV National Motocross Championship and as good as it is, many are ready to get back to business and sort out what they can for this challenging championship season. The hopes of better weather and consistent motos are on the minds of many while others are hoping to seal the deal in the next few rounds.

The ATV Racin' Nation has been to say the least, stressed over the course of this season and though tension builds and folks try to recover from the many unexpected repairs optimism continues to build for the final rounds. Last week we heard from a few of the amatuer riders and this week we look at the some Pro and Pro Am class riders and how things are looking from their perspective.

First off. A few years ago we became aquainted with a young British fellow that really summed up what it means to be an ATV motocross racer. Giving up everything in his home land he packed up and moved to the U.S. to pursue his dreams of racing in the ATV Nationals. If you are wondering how things are going, here is an update from Liam Cater.

well it's been possibly the worst season I have had in my entire racing career, I had a great winter training in Florida with nick Moser, him and his family have really done a lot for me this year and have made it possible for me to race by bringing me to the races and I can't thank them enough. but starting from that wet round in Georgia my luck turned, where I had one bad finish and a dnf ( Sundays races being canceled)
I then went home from Georgia and missed muddy creek in order to work hard to be able to get to balance where once again technical problems got the better of me, not allowing me to finish a single race that weekend.
after this I decided I needed to make some serious changes to both my bike and training schedule ready to get back to my old self for sunset ridge, in the mean time I had also been lucky enough to acquire a job filming the pro class for racer TV ( thanks to Gloop at ripitup films) which would somewhat contribute towards the ever mounting costs of racing. sadly sunset ridge did not go so well and despite getting my speed back I crashed over the bars breaking my collarbone into 4 pieces and injuring my ankle.
I have been out of work for 4 weeks now but have still been able to come and do my job for racer TV at the weekends. I will return to work on Monday with still a broken collarbone and am somewhat unsure as to when I can race again due to the fact my collarbone does not seem to be healing. I however will be at every race still and am also helping some fellow foreigners come from Argentina to race steel city and Unadilla.
I hope to ride red bud and Loretta's and am already making plans for next year

Another rider that has caught our attention in the last few seasons is Wisconsin's Cody Janssen. If you don't know him, I think if you stick around long you will. Here is a report from his dad Joel.


Cody Janssen and Tyler Hamrick along with 10 or 12 other pro and pro-am riders are all at Waldo Motorsports Park in Florida training. Great group of guys and holy are they freaking flying.

Today Josh creamer and a Nick Denoble sighting were also at Waldo Motorsports Park

FS I and Janssen motorsports have combined to field a killer team between Troy Hill and Cody Janssen along with Elka Maxxis dp Thor . Look for these boys to be in the front of their respective classes this season

Cody is light years ahead of his pace of last season I can't wait for him to be interviewed by you on the podium my friend.

Nick Gennusa is one of the riders we have enjoyed watching grow through the ranks. Only a few short years ago in the Youth Division, Nick now is a threat in any A or Pro AM gate he lines up on. Nick sent us thisƒ‚  note:

2013 has been a huge learning year for me and I don't think a lot of people have had the best luck this year. It has rained a good portion of the races which has hurt me. In open "A" I am staying consistent and holding the points lead and in Pro Am , I have been working on a few things. This year in Pro Am seems like one of the toughest years competition wise because I personally think there are 10 different people who can win in that class. It is a very competitive class and everyone wants to win. The racing compared to "A" class is a totally different level and a lot harder. I have adapted to the aggressiveness throughout the whole race and there is no doubt I run the top 5 pace the whole race. My lap times show it and my training proves it. The one thing that hasn't showed yet this year are my starts. Pro Am is a very tough class to get a holes hot in. As soon as I can get a good hole shot I know my results will improve. I think in Pro Am the hole shot is 75% of the race because if you get a bad start, those top five guys are gone while I deal with traffic! I have been working on my hole shots a Ton and messing around with my gearing so for steel city, things will for sure change. I have been riding with Travis Spader and ready to get out if this bad hole shot rut and change things up for the remainder of the season and get on the podium! I could not of asked for better support this year from Can Am BCS and I love working with those guys. We make a great team and it's all up to me now!!

A rider that many people have been surprised by the last couple of years in Tyler Hamrick. Tyler shows great speed and talent but consistency seems to be his weak points most times. Right now things are going well for him as he tries to fly under the radar and position himself for a run at the championship in the final rounds.

A little Half way through my AMA Pro Rookie season and I'm sitting 11th in points, and the 2nd highest placed rookie 9pts from Top Rookie Casey Martin. Decided to jump back into the Pro Am Class in Indiana getting my first ever Pro Am overall Win. Trying to make a comeback since I sat out first three rounds. I sit 8th in points and will be riding the Vechery Racing/Never Sleep Designs Honda for the remainder of the year in that class filling in for injured rider Tim Dettling #72. Excited to come back from this break and turn some heads.

On the Pro front Jeffery Rastrelli checked in with us to let us know how things are going now that he has some experience in the class and starting to show strong finishes.

Well I'm waiting so I can give U something now. At half way mark of the Season I'm happy but not satisfied. I'm getting closer and closer to the speed of that top pack and I feel like I showed that at Virginia by wrecking and still coming back to 8th. I'm down at home now for the first time this season and I'm working hard and looking at steel city as a top 5 race for me.

The AMA Pro ranks was almost one rider short this season but the call came in only days before the opening round of the season to ride the Walsh Race Craft powered machine for the season. Nick Denoble who hadn't raced since July last year due to injury is back in full force this season and things seem to be very positive for the #123.

The season for us has a lot of up an downs. I feel like we got the quad dialed in good, just got to get some good luck on our side and we will be set. I am everyone else knows I have the quad an the speed. So we got things to prove the last 4 rounds! Easy as 1.2.3

Lastly, we heard from the colorful and talented William "Duck" Lloyd. Duck is having the time of his life right now and looking at winning championships in ATVMX and GNCC. Duck runs Junior 25 A in ATVMX and GNCC and Pro Am in ATVMX.

Right now in the season I'm sitting 1st in 25+ I have won 5 out 6 races after last race I went from 5th to 2nd in pro am an I'm still in 1st in junior A in GNCC and I have a week off first one since the season started but were still working an training hard to finish the season strong.

That's it for now. Next week we head to Steel City. Till then God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs.