ATV Motocross

QMX Rider Training Website Launches

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | 12:00 AM

For Immediate Release
Contact: Todd Sweigart
[email protected]
QMX is dedicated to the safety and growth of the sport that we all love. Our mission is to provide racers with the information and skills needed to progress in the sport of ATV Racing. Our website will focus on, but not be limited to the following area's, rider training and conditioning, nutrition, mental training, quad maintenance and set-up, testing safety equipment and more.
QMX has also partnered will several top pro riders to host riding schools across the country this winter, next spring and beyond. Information and Registration for these schools can be found on the site.
We are currently looking for racers as well as industry professionals to help us with content for this website. Our goal is to develop a trusted and long lasting relationship with the ATV racing community. So check out the site and we'll see you at the track!


For more information go to