ATV Motocross

Site Lap: The Light at The End of The Tunnel

Site Lap: The Light at The End of The Tunnel

Friday, May 9, 2014 | 2:40 PM
Friday, May 9, 2014 | 2:40 PM

There it is. Do you see it? I believe that is the light at the end of the tunnel just ahead. Yep! The Maxxis ATV Stampede at High Point Raceway is now a week away. That feels so good to write, however it will feel better next week when I am writing of perfect track conditions and perfect weather for our 3rd round of the Mtn. Dew ATV Motocross National Championship. The excitement will be building as the historical first live coverage America’s premier ATV motocross championship will be only hours from “Global casting” all the great action to the world.

ATVMX returns in just one week!
ATVMX returns in just one week! Photo: Ken Hill

How big is this you might say? In my opinion it is actually pretty huge. Why? The simple reason is that it will be available worldwide live streaming. It will also be archived for instant access following the live racing. It is also the first step to creating a viewing audience that can be more loyal and involved with seeing the action go down live. As well if it goes over with a good response it could open the door for even more great things to come in the future.

I realize that we have had television coverage for several years now and you may ask what is different about this. The difference is everything. The regular TV events in the past aired on the various networks and now MAVTV is great exposure for the sport but we are watching an edited down version that unfortunately due to time constraints does not allow us to see everything. This time we get to see it all and yes the normal highlights TV series show will still air on MAVTV as scheduled. That means race fans will get a double dose of the great things from High Point next weekend. As the old Droopy Dog cartoon character would say, “That makes me happy.”

Don't miss the action from High Point Raceway on May 17th
Don't miss the action from High Point Raceway on May 17th Photo: Ken Hill

One thing to make this a success will be the cooperation of you the ATV Racin’ Nation. First, if you can make it to the event make sure you do. It would be nice to show a live audience a lot of fan support. If you are there make sure you are along the fences for the AMA Pro ATV race and get creative with your support. Dress up, make signs and make as much noise as you can.

Another thing you can do is to spread the word to anyone that cannot be there. This coming week use your social media to Tweet, Facebook and anything else you do till people are tired of hearing about it and go watch it even if they originally have no interests. If you are watching online again remind folks of what’s happening and generate interest for people to want to check it out while the event is going on.

If you are coming, try to bring someone who has never been to an ATV race and expose new faces to the sport. If you are not coming and you are close enough, shame on you. You should not miss this for nearly anything. There are a few things I understand that may hold you up on it but it should not stop you from supporting and making this quite possibly the biggest step the sport has ever seen. It’s up to us as fans to help this sport grow. We have struggled for years for exposure so let’s not look this gift horse in the mouth. Just hitch it up and work it like a borrowed mule. Hee yah! Giddy up ATV Racin Nation!

Josh Creamer holds down the 7th overall spot in the championship points
Josh Creamer holds down the 7th overall spot in the championship points Photo: Ken Hill

I do not have a lot to mention as far as racing this week but I feel that the live coverage is a monumental thing to the sport and I know with everyone’s support and dedication it can and will be the first step to even greater things in the future. Here’s to bright future!

Till next time, God Bless Your Heart and All Your Vital Organs!