ATV Motocross

Catching Up With Nick Moser

Catching Up With Nick Moser

Monday, February 10, 2014 | 4:15 PM
Monday, February 10, 2014 | 4:15 PM Nick, that was some big news released last week. Running under the Hetrick banner has got to offer you some real advantages?

Nick Moser: It sure was Ken! It was also the biggest news I've ever had to share in my racing career. Having Rich Hetrick a racing legend backing me is not only going to boost my confidence, but my performance as well! 

I'm headed down to meet up with Joel and continue my training with him out there. Joel is going to be able to help me out HUGE on the track. Joel and I plan on being together most of the season. Which is the best thing for me being able to ride with one of the fastest kids on the planet. In the end, I’m only going to better myself.

Nick Moser will be running under the Hetrick banner for the 2014 season. Photo: Hill
Nick Moser will be running under the Hetrick banner for the 2014 season. Photo: Hill

Coming back from your early season injury last year really showed just how bad you wanted to compete. How is your back doing and what did you take away from that experience? 

Breaking my back was the worst thing that's happened to me in a long time. It taught me that anything could happen at any given time. No matter what the situation is, you learn to move forward and try to come back better/stronger than you were before.

It seemed like little things plagued your efforts in 2013?

2013 was a very tough season to swallow. I was leading so many races when stupid things put me back. I tore my carpel tunnel in my right hand right before VA. I could barley hold onto my handlebars and it didn't get much better the rest of the season. I had one solid weekend were nothing went wrong, and I won. I plan on it being more like that this season.

Moser looks to make 2014 a much better season than 2013. Photo: Hill
Moser looks to make 2014 a much better season than 2013. Photo: Hill

What advice can you offer up and coming racers? Everyone thinks there is a tip or trick, but in reality, what does it take? 

For upcoming racers, and especially young ones. It isn't all about riding. You need to put just as much time in the gym as you do on the track. It's not 75% riding and 25% training. It needs to be 50/50, without that you'll only go so far. Bad things are going to happen, it's part of the sport. Always move on and look forward to the up and coming.

What goals have you set for yourself in 2014?

My goal for 2014 is to definitely to win Pro-Am. I have the speed, I showed that last year, I just didn't have the bike. This year is going to be ALL on me. I know Rich will have my bike ready 150% every race, and that is why we are going to come out on top! As for the Pro class I will be on my new Walsh bike, still under Hetricks Tent. Top ten is my goal but my main focus is on Pro-Am. Couldn't be any more excited to be behind that gate in March, see you all in a few weeks!

Nick, we all wish you the very best in the new season!